An article by the American billionaire George Soros was published in Der Spiegel, near the German Socdem, in which he propagated an endless and perpetual loan, the “interest” of which would have to be paid until the end of time. The article was immediately taken over by the Hungarian propagandists from Soros. hvg and the Index, with various articles, have also started promoting Soros’s second plan. The two newspapers are apparently fighting a great battle with each other, making Soros flattering, waiting for money. Soros’s new first plan was firmly rejected by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. he would have wondered if Soros had not exploited the epidemic situation for financial gain.
For the stock speculator, György Sorospublished an opinion piece in the weekly Der Spiegel, near the German Social Democratic Party (SPD),
Soros is trying to convince the European public of the need for perpetual credit that he proposes,
configure everything as if it were vital or at least beneficial for the European Union.
This writing is actually Project Syndicate (son, Alex also published there regularly) can be considered as a continuation of the article published on April 20.
Another newspaper article about Soros’s second plan was immediately hit by two pages of Hungarian left-wing propaganda, the hvg, which is notably funded by Soros, and the Index, which has recently become eye-catching for Soros. The two letters flatter the competition to Soros, expecting money. It is no coincidence that there have been layoffs in the Index and pay cuts in the hvg recently.
The words of the billionaire speculator were not even accidentally criticized or commented, Soros’s opinion was assumed without any source of criticism.
The US billionaire article doesn’t contain much of a novelty, it essentially contains so much new information that
It is already proposing a loan of up to 2 trillion euros to the European Union, since it also does not want to forget about climate change.
He then reiterates his position expressed in the Project Syndicate that the crisis should be remedied by issuing perpetual annuity-type bonds, the essence of which is that capital should not be repaid,
however, the interest would have to be paid for an indefinite term, in other words, forever.
There is a Dutch water regulation company, Stichtse Rijnlanden, which
he still pays the interest on his loan contracted in 1634 (!).
The Index and the hvg write with great enthusiasm that Soros claims that the idea he unveiled on April 20 was raised three days ago at the EU summit by one of the billionaire’s loyal European allies, Pedro Sánchez Spanish left-wing pro-immigration prime minister.
Viktor Orbán condemns Soros’ second plan
Viktor Orbán On April 24, the Hungarian Prime Minister gave an interview to Kossuth Radio, in which he said the following about Soros’s latest idea: He wrote that the union should obtain large amounts of loans and have a continuous payment of interest on this loan. In this situation, the interests of Hungary must be defended. The Prime Minister added that
Soros’s second plan was born, which he clearly and firmly rejects.
Viktor Orbán also spoke about the plan in his interview on Friday, May 1. The Prime Minister said: He was sure that when more people could not control the epidemic, speculators would appear and no proposals would emerge from which we would be beneficiaries. He added that he would have been very surprised if György Soros had not appeared in this situation.
There were very few countries that could say no to George Soros’s latest plan. – said the Prime Minister, who said that is why Hungary is under attack with false accusations in an attempt to discredit it before the debate on the Soros plan can begin.
This is not the first time that the Index has promoted the second Soros plan
As we already reported, the well-known Index began promoting Soros’s second plan on April 29, and has since turned into a campaign (an article in which Soros is frankly an influential philosopher has previously been published).
The main message of the campaign to persuade the Hungarian public is that, according to the opposition newspaper Soros’s plan for perpetual credit, to pay interest until the end of time, is excellent, and Hungary needs it too, but it doesn’t describe why it would be good for us to be indebted forever. In fact, the essence of the previous advertising article is that the plan is good in itself, because its inventor is György Soros, who can only invent something good.
Based on an earlier Index article about Soros’s second plan, it must be decided whether Soros’s new plan is diabolical or ingenious. And since of course no one has used the term Soros or his plan to be diabolical, his critics simply consider him an unscrupulous speculator condemned by a European court, he wants to clearly suggest that Soros’s plan is brilliant.
What else do you think it could be?
A few days ago, we asked why the left-wing media in Hungary are competing to fan each other by over-bidding on Soros’s second plan. Why is a speculator called a legend, a guru, a philosopher? After the articles preparing the plan, why does an article in support of Soros appear in the left-wing media almost daily? After another kindness, it is getting easier to answer these questions.