The left-wing city government in Kispest works in an underworld style according to a member of the inner circle of local socialists.


According to Ákos V., he made a statement to Hír TV because he was outraged by what was happening in Kispest, the way the socialist power treated people and human destinies. The man claims that since meeting Csaba Lackner, he has attended at least a hundred different parties with the former MSZP representative.

There were drugs in the bag

According to him, his passage through the Lackner-Kránitz-Gajda triangle in Kispest went through football: he performed well in a tournament, which is why he was included in the company by socialist politicians. They later became friends, after which the joint parties began. The man worked for a chauffeur service and transported left-wing politicians several times during the night, so he also knew the stories from the Kispest recordings here.

V. immediately recognized Csaba Lackner when the visual and audio materials were released, and even claimed that he was also present at the party where Lackner wiped the white powder in front of the fan. He refuted the defense of socialist politicians that the MSZP politician did not have drugs on his hands. “It’s not just a white powder that looks like a drug, but clearly the” he noted, adding that this was not a unique occasion.

“The Kispest Master Trio”: Csaba Lackner (b); Krisztián Kránitz (k); and Péter GajdaSource: Facebook

“Money redistributed”

Ákos V. confirmed that he had already learned of the system that had been spoken in the Kispest sound recordings, according to which money is not taken out of the budget, but is returned through external contractors. It states that this is commonly known as “redistributed money.” Krisztián Kránitz and Csaba Lackner, belonging to Gajda, also participated in these stores

– He stated, adding that Krisztián Kránitz, who is still the head of the trustee Kispest, was the most greedy of all.

According to him, an important element of the functioning of the system was that certain businessmen helped the Kispest left in these transactions, because if they had not cooperated, they would not have gotten a job. Therefore, these collaborations operated only on a trustworthy and long-term basis. In Lackner’s case, László Somogyi is an entrepreneur – who, by the way, is Lászlón Somogyi, XIX. He was the husband of a representative of the local socialist district government, and in the case of Kránitz, this businessman was József Lakatos.

Gajda may not have known

The man revealed that Lackner spoke more at the party about the dirty business of socialist city administration, especially when “business” was going well for him. “When it got worse for him, it was more of the scolding from the other small group at the table.” He referred to Kranitz and his circle. As the former driver revealed, the relationship between the two deteriorated due to a dispute over a settlement. However, the connection remained between them, the common thread was Mayor Péter Gajda.

As is well known, Lackner also spoke about the confusing affairs of the district leader in the pictures. As for how much the mayor had invested the money he “got,” Lackner replied: “Well, he’s buying real estate, I just bought it.”

Ákos V. confirmed that

it is almost impossible for Peter Gajda not to see these stores.

It is almost impossible that Péter Gajda did not know what happenedSource: Origo

Lovers, whores, public money spread with both hands

During the broadcast, the man also talked about how left-wing politicians who got rich off public money had fun in their spare time. According to him, Somogyi and Lackner were close friends, having used drugs together several times.

But he also reported on a party in Balatonfüred, where alcohol and drug use was also significant at the three- or four-day fair. He noted not only that he had run out of cocaine, but also the company’s big favorite, the ecstasy pill known as a berry. Participants also ordered prostitutes at parties like this because “of course the wives stayed at home.” The driver on the left said Lackner likes to be in the middle of the business, and he got that this holiday season. The municipal representative scattered the money,

a curve could cost between forty and two hundred thousand florins at night.

When the sound recordings were made, there were many parties of this type in the summer of 2019, because according to Ákos V., Lackner’s wife was pregnant at the time, so the representative “had a lot of room for maneuver.” The former driver reported that

the MSZP politician who used cocaine had contact with at least two or three women in addition to his wife, and also used the services of prostitutes.

Csaba Lackner threw herself into the night more than oncePhoto: Attila Polyák – Origo

According to the recordings of the Hungarian Nation, Péter Gajda also participated in the workshops. Lackner spoke about these that on a ski slope in Austria, after the company got into a fight because Kránitz’s girlfriend was upset, they went down with the mayor. “It was when Gajda said that now we were getting in the car and going to see the chicks, it was when we went down to the cabin the first night with Peter and went home at dawn,” the video shows.

Gajda, although he attended many parties, never used drugs, but according to Ákos V., it is clear that he was also present at parties where the participants used drugs. Such was Csaba Lackner’s milk hanging party, the representative’s youngest son was born sometime in late July and early August. Péter Gajda’s voice can be heard in the milk freezer, which was also recorded.

Does Lackner keep Gajda in check?

The actors of the scandal have been organizing parties in Kispest since the sound recordings were made public, but they are already more cautious –akos V. also spoke about this. Do you think

Gajda doesn’t bother Lackner because they know things about each other.

“I could joke it’s charity, but I think money is pretty tough here.” added.

Lackner’s wife was newly pregnant, so the MP “had a lot of room to maneuver.”

Fidesz: it’s time to apologize and leave

“Time to move the bike and get out.” But before that, we must apologize to the people of Kispest and to all those who trusted them.

– Gabriella Dódity, the local representative of the local government of Fidesz – KDNP, responded to the Kispest left in response to the Informator program, wrote the Hungarian Nation. According to him, there is a moral barrier in every human being, however, there are those in whom the limits of consciousness move and then remain at that level.

“Consciousness, the essential humility, has been replaced by some pretty amazing arrogance and arrogance,” he said, adding that being a representative is a service, which does not mean that one is not wrong. “But by no means does it mean that someone looks at the entire system as already described in the sound recordings. Just like someone who experienced this up close told us, ”he pointed to an insider who stood in front of the camera.

In the XIX. The representative of the district of Fidesz – KDNP reminded the left of Kispest: they did not receive their mandate from the people of Kispest to amuse themselves for their own interests.

“Kispest is not a fleshy pot that has been pushed in front of them to take out everything that is good for them and the pumpkins remain shameless at the bottom of the pot,” said the deputy. He is stressed: the district should not be seen as a business, as the left has done, but should work for the locals.

“Kispest is not a party place, it is not the homeland of white dust and stripes, and the trust received from voters does not draw a circus scene, but rather a responsible workplace,” recalled Dódity. According to the representative, miraculously the district continued to function in this way, but with responsible leadership, real progress could have been made in local affairs, in local affairs.It is the end of misunderstanding, the end of explanation, the end of someone else’s suspicion. Time to clarify Said the MP.
