The left is profoundly silent and Soros’ organizations also hear the threat from András Fekete-Győr


The left, sometimes concerned about press freedom, and organizations linked to György Soros are also silent on András Fekete-Győr’s unbearable and radical statements. As we reported in Origó, András Fekete-Győr, who is now increasingly called the Gyurcsány boy, would ban right-wing journalists from his occupation.

András Fekete-Győr made a radical statement a few days ago and, like Ferenc Gyurcsány, began to threaten. As you know, he put in a Facebook video that “I am talking about the propagandists, and here I am talking about the propagandists who are on TV2, who are in Origo, who are deliberately giving themselves a bad reputation for others, deliberately making false facts and not true, then I would forbid their profession for a time, I would prohibit them from exercising their profession. Because being a journalist, working for a media service provider, is a public task, it is a public information task. “

Among other things, the Hungarian National Association of Media protested against Fekete-Győr’s instant statements, and Philip Rákay also asked “where is the HCLU in this case, where is the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, where is 444?” . journalists Are you already organizing the solidarity demonstration? Is the report being prepared with an anxious tone in the European Parliament? “It was no accident that the communications specialist asked these questions, as the leftist organizations and Soros have been listening deeply ever since.

The Reporter also tried to find out what left-wing politicians and Soros organizations, who were constantly concerned about press freedom, thought about this unacceptable statement, but was not really successful. When asked by Dániel Bohár, his partner at Fekete-Győr, Anna Donáth said she would like me to quote exactly, because the statement was not made this way. and according to him, Fekete-Győr does not want to settle accounts with anyone.

According to Anna Donáth, president of Momentum, Fekete-Győr did not even say what she saidSource: MTI / Balázs Mohai

Then he put the phone on the reporter because he was in a rush for a meeting.

Miklós Hargitai left-wing journalist, president of the Association of Hungarian Journalists (MÚOSZ) He declined to comment on the incident, claiming that he did not follow the Momentum politician on Facebook and did not come across this news.

György Soros’ affiliated organizations, such as HCLU and Amnesty International, also did not issue a protest statement, asking Bohár written questions on the matter and then possibly answering them.
