The leadership of the capital is not willing to help the people of Budapest during the coronavirus, but in more and more districts they are making life especially difficult for people.


The Fidesz faction would have helped Budapest’s economic players with 50 billion HUF, but the left-wing city administration did not vote in favor of this at Monday’s general meeting. Although the Metropolitan Assembly approved the Fidesz-KDNP proposal, it was completely rewritten with amendments. Thus, the representatives of Fidesz-KDNP did not vote in favor of the amendments or the final adoption of the proposal.

In the debate prior to the vote on the motion, Zsolt Láng, leader of the Fidesz-KDNP faction,

The city government turned the proposal into a brochure that reflected its own political goals.

He stressed that the mayor and the parties and district leaders that support him can only point the finger at the government, rather than make commitments like the government and find out what they and Budapest can do to combat the coronavirus epidemic. The mayor has previously argued that the capital has no money to support people in trouble.

However, the Hungarian State Treasury announced on Monday:

The Municipality of Budapest has 134.98 billion HUF in government securities and its net cash position is over 27 billion HUF.

They would displace motorists

Aware of all this, it is particularly repulsive that the left-wing city leadership is unwilling to help people in trouble, but continues to attack motorists.

It was announced at the end of April, during the emergency. Gergely Christmasthat adopted a proposal for traffic safety and calm that would fundamentally change the capital’s transportation. By decision of the mayor, the so-called pilot projects will be implemented in various districts between July and October at the initiative of the capital. With the measures

the left-wing leadership in Budapest has no secret aim to force motorists out of the city.

Parking spaces would be taken away from the inhabitants of Újlipótváros

After Erzsébetváros, Újlipótváros has now become an experimental field for Christmas and left-wing city management, this is clear from the document that bears the name of the Budapest Transport Center. The traffic calming pilot project proposal, as the name suggests, is still in the comment stage and locals still have the opportunity to do so.

Gyula Hegedűs StreetPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The call published on the municipality’s website in early September also establishes that, if introduced, “After the pilot project period, it will be possible to decide whether the modified traffic regime will remain in force or whether it will return to the previous regime.” The left-wing district leadership did not particularly promote the capital’s plans and the opportunity to comment on them – apart from the call cited above, they only addressed the issue in a Facebook post. Silence is not an accident, since It is already clear that the alteration of the traffic order will cause serious alterations in the part of the city.

The proposal divides the changes into three groups, which would result in the elimination of a total of 134 (31 + 76 + 27) parking spaces in the district. This is problematic because

The lack of parking spaces has always been a serious problem in Újlipótváros.

It is very difficult for motorists to find free space: it is not uncommon for locals to have to drive several laps at night before being able to park.

By the way, the amendments affect the rectangle Heged Gys Gyula utca – Pannónia utca – Balzac utca – Radnóti Miklós utca. On the listed streets, the direction of traffic for motorists would change, so that on Hegedűs Gyula Street and Pannonia, buses and bicycles could travel according to the current order. In other words, the capital would make certain bidirectional sections in several streets of Újlipótváros, which could easily be problematic in practice due to its scarcity.

Source: Facebook, BKK

The plan is already unpopular

It is worth looking at the first opinions, which were not the result of a formal consultation. The comments rained down at the request of the municipality, most of which have a negative attitude towards the anti-auto changes.

“I hope the district government has enough ingenuity to convey this idea from BKK.” one of them wrote. There was a commenter who said it was a sin to take 134 parking spaces. “We can’t go home now either, and with these direction changes, we’re going to drive miles when we stop,” he said outraged.

I also want my immediate surroundings to be more pleasant, healthier and more livable, but in this proposal I do not see a real solution to the problem of parking. No matter where there will be + parking lots! If the Bratislava front is closed, it won’t be half an hour. , but we will circulate more, polluting the air. I think the parking problem must first be solved and then traffic must be reorganized according to the needs of the majority, ”wrote one of the commenters..

József Tóth is a socialist mayorSource: Facebook

According to some, the capital and the XIII. The district government wants to make life miserable for the people who live here. “Budapest is the capital! Anyone who wants a rural environment should move to the countryside. And cyclists must take the TRAFFIC exam, because it is a nightmare while traveling.” wrote an angry commenter.

According to the most critical commentator “Sometimes the cleanliness would not harm the district, the street is rotting before my eyes, the district is full of drug addicts! It’s a shame that I live here too, but this district has become disgusting! But as soon as I see that it can intensify! wonderfully! “

There was a commentator who approached the subject with irony. “Let’s ban all cars from the district and even from the whole city and the problem has been solved. At least they don’t drown all day in this stench of cancer. The realistic answer is that a lot of lazy people can use BKV! “- irritated.

Elizabeth City already laments the changes in the capital

Not only Újlipótváros was like this: the local government of Erzsébetváros has a temporary traffic warrant since mid-August inserted in the district. The changes that went wrong left a deep mess in the lives of motorists, causing great discontent among local residents and passers-by.

ErzsébetvárosPhoto: Koncz Márton – Origo

In Belső-Erzsébetváros, as part of the changes, parking is prohibited in several places compared to the previous conditions, and 250 new road signs have been installed. With this, most of Belső-Erzsébetváros will become a 30-speed zone. The local faction of the ruling parties has repeatedly indicated that they estimate that the planned changes will cause chaos in the affected area. In their letter to the mayor of Gyurcsány, Péter Niedermüller, they wrote that this had been confirmed in recent weeks. “The transformation of the traffic order was carried out recklessly, without any expert opinion, without the participation of the district’s population and businesses, which was aggravated by the fact that the municipality’s management did not even communicate properly with the interested parties ”, they pointed out.

It is also strange that motorists are almost hunted in the district. According to the residents of the areas affected by the change in traffic order, the inspectors of the public area walked a small section of Wesselényi Street, where

they are present in the morning, at noon, at night, and those who do so are punished in turn. We know that it is not a small item. According to our information, the amount of the fine is between 30 and 50 thousand florins.

Against motorists the mayor

The chasing of motorists is not a “local” feature, but a systemic phenomenon in the capital. As is well known, Mayor Gergely Karácsony supported measures against motorists during the emergency.

In the spring, at the initiative of the left-wing mayor, new bike lanes were built on the busiest roads in the city. Because of this, excruciating traffic jams have developed regularly on Grand Boulevard, while the bike lane is hardly used by anyone.

Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The complete bankruptcy of the new measures was demonstrated by the fact that the beginning of the school plunged into complete traffic chaos. Since then, traffic jams have been common on busy roads where a cycle lane has been created.
