The leaders of the Popular Party were upset that Fidesz did not leave them there


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  • The strange game between Fidesz and the European People’s Party (EPP) has been going on for two years and, according to recent events, every opportunity has been given to postpone the solution.
  • This time, the leaders of the EPP faction made a gesture that the break would not happen this week either.

In spring 2019, before the EP elections, they wanted to be seriously excluded from the EPP for the first time, after the Hungarian government launched a poster campaign mocking Jean-Claude Juncker, the then president of the commission (and also of the People’s Board). Party politician).

Ultimately, the peculiar solution was to suspend party affiliation (Fidesz claimed to have been suspended) and commission three veteran politicians, the so-called wise men, to investigate the matter.

Meanwhile, the new European Parliament was formed, elected in May 2019, where Fidesz deputies joined the People’s Party in the same way they were before the party’s suspension. They were given the Commission seats and positions, and the practical effect of the suspension was only that Viktor Orbán could no longer attend the meetings of the People’s Prime Ministers before the EU summits.

The three wise men investigated for almost a year before presenting their report to Donald Tusk, president of the EPP elected in November 2019, who, however, did not reveal the text. It soon leaked that the three so-called wise politicians couldn’t decide what to do with Fidesz, so the report was essentially useless.

Therefore, last February, the EPP Congress decided, therefore, that there was no need to comment: the suspension of Fidesz was maintained, and the situation will continue to be investigated until the first half of 2021.

In December, those seeking exclusion were reactivated again, when the Hungarian government threatened to veto the EU budget, and when Tamás Deutsch compared the style of the faction leader, Manfred Weber, to the Gestapo’s methods in the debate. . The impatient ones took the initiative to exclude Deutsch from the faction, but he apologized twice, for which the vote was abstained. However, all that anti-Fidesz has achieved is that a committee has been appointed to rewrite the internal rules of the faction regarding the admission of new members and the exclusion of old ones.

The work was largely completed in February of this year, and on the 26th a version was presented whose essential point is that from now on it is possible to exclude not only individual members of the faction, but also an entire party. Obviously, everything was done against Fidesz, so if the whole party can no longer decide after two years of suspension, at least the faction can get rid of colleagues who feel uncomfortable for others.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will host Manfred Webert, group leader of the European People’s Party, in Parliament on September 11, 2015.Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI

Viktor Orbán intervened on the 28th. He wrote a letter to the group leader Manfred Weber telling him that if the version presented on the 26th was adopted by the party faction, the Fidesz would leave the group and did not expect to vote also on its exclusion under the new rules. . The vote will be on Wednesday morning, and it seemed plausible to many that this time the fun would really end and the paths of Fidesz and the Popular Party would part ways forever.

But on Monday night, the leadership of the Popular Party slightly modified the amendment to the faction’s rules. He retained most of the parties Orbán opposed, but at one point they made a serious gesture to Fidesz: while version 26 could have expelled a party from the faction by a half majority, the new version would require two-thirds.

And the question is: the varied text is no longer the 26th, that is, even if it is accepted, the threat from Orbán is not worth it either, and the Fidesz do not have to leave.

In other words, it appears that the folks at Fidesz will continue to be in the group, and even if there is a vote on their exclusion for the foreseeable future, it would require far more votes than the plans of the past few days have suggested.

