“The key is to win and get the forwards to score goals



“I’m sorry I missed the penalty, anyone can make a mistake, but at least I corrected it. However, in the second half we played better football, so we should have created more situations and perhaps scored more goals. We owned the ball, we controlled the game and we finally won, that’s the point. “ – He said Sallai roland for M4 Sport.

“I was not expecting an easy match at all because, although there is a big difference between the two national teams, it is difficult to play football against a defense that shakes. You spoil an attack, one situation, and then another, and you’re already thinking you need to fix it. Sala fought two penalties, I know what it feels like when you don’t kick a goal as a forward, so I was with him to, of course, kick it. He missed it, there is nothing wrong with that, we have already missed enough situations. He and Niko paid for it later. The most important thing is victory and that the forwards have scored goals ” He said Adam Szalai in front of the M4 Sport camera.

“We moved more in the second half, we tried to seduce them from the age of sixteen, the winger acted more, more passes came. I’m glad we scored three goals because these games are the hardest. We only have something to lose in games like this, but we just won three points. I’m glad the attitude of the team was very good, whoever the opponent is, we fight, we go, we fight and we build ourselves. I think our task against Andorra will be more difficult, a slightly better team than San Marino. In these games it is very important that when we score a goal so that the attitude is good, we do not underestimate anyone because we are not in that position. The point is to fight for each other and for the country as we did today ”. – evaluated Nikolics Nemanja.

“I thank the federal captain for giving me the opportunity. The world took a big turn, a year ago I was still thinking about quitting football. The world has changed a lot, but I hope this is just the beginning. Every week I will work to have more opportunities and to take advantage of them. “ Said the debutante Krisztián Géresi.

Marco Rossi, the captain of the national team in his post-match statement revealed that Willi Orbán (RB Leipzig) and Sallai roland (Freiburg) is not going to Andorra with the team either, both will return to Germany for their club.


Serravalle, Olympic Stadium, behind closed doors. Directed by: N. Walsh (Scottish)
San Marino: E. Benedettini – Manuel Battistini, F. Fabbri, Brolli, D. Rossi, Palazzi – Lunadei (Zonzini, 53.), E. Golinucci, Mularoni – N. Nanni (Hirsch, 80.), F. Berardi (M. Bernardi , 80.). Federal Captain: Franco Varrella
Hungary: Dibusz – Botka, Orbán, Szalai A. – Nego (Zs. Kalmár, during halftime), Sigér, Gazdag (Kleinheisler, 62.), Cseri (Nikolics, during halftime), K. Varga (R. Varga, 72) – Sallai, Szalai Á. (Géresi, 85.). Federal Captain: Marco Rossi
Gólszerző: Szalai Á. (From 13 to 11), Sallai (from 71), Nikolics (from 88 to 11)

More group results
Albania-England 0-2 (Kane 38., Mount 63.)
Poland-Andorra 3-0 (Lewandowski 30., 55., Swiderski 88.)

1. Anglia two two 7-0 +7 6
2. Poland two one one 6–3 +3 4
2. HUNGARY two one one 6–3 +3 4
4. Albania two one one 1-2 -one 3
5. Andorra two two 0–4 -4 0
6. San Marino two two 0–8 –8 0

National Sports reported on the place: Bence Babják, István Kocsmár-Tóth (text), Károly Árvai (photo)
