The introduction of the retirement time zone could wipe out stores


In Poland, retail trade has virtually collapsed in the last two months due to the second wave of epidemics, and if the government introduces measures to restrict traffic, it would have dramatic consequences.

“Senior watches” would cause billions in losses to Polish retailers, according to a Business Insider Polska article. While the number of shoppers in stores is significantly decreasing from week to week, a process that was observed in early October in Poland, shop owners are very concerned about the introduction of “senior hours”.

In September, nearly a quarter fewer visitors came to shopping malls than a year ago. However, the end of the week ending October 18 brought an almost complete collapse – a 35.5 percent year-on-year drop. Billing fell 10 percent from the previous week. This was revealed by examining 3,000 stores. The number of visitors decreased by 37% until mid-October, while the financial turnover decreased by 24% compared to the previous year.

As the epidemic spreads and restrictions increase, shoppers tend to refrain from visiting shopping malls. The situation cannot be expected to improve dramatically and quickly, believes the direction of the merchant organization. Services saw an even bigger drop of 46%, and travel agencies were down 89%. During the seniors time zone, store turnover decreases by an average of 40 to 50 percent.
