The icon of the Poles, Lech Walesa, went bankrupt


Poland’s iconic politician Lech Walesa, who was celebrated as a hero as one of the preparers of regime change, later became his country’s head of state and received the Nobel Peace Prize, financially bankrupt.

In an interview with PolsatNews, Lech Walesa, former leader of the legendary Solidarity union and former Nobel Peace Prize winner, admitted that his pocket was completely emptied, that he could not even buy a Christmas present for anyone, that he was practically financially bankrupt. said the onet.

He sincerely admitted that he had enormous financial problems.

It was well earned at the time, but it distributed everything. Nor did he hide the fact that during the epidemic he feared for his health, he would do everything possible to avoid the disease, he would wear a mask and would not go anywhere except where he had to go: – I have packed the news, ”he said bitterly.

Many posts on social media are about the former president having successfully coped with his dominance. Now he also said that he tries to maintain the kilos that he has gained, so he does a lot of cycling, for example. He added that as soon as he had the opportunity to do so, he wanted to be vaccinated against the infection. His grandchildren are already fed up with his political activity, “I prefer to sit quietly at the table, hardly realizing it, arguing, but not talking about my old things.”

According to the article, Walesa became president of the Poles 30 years ago. It is sad that the current Czech President, Milos Zeman, is commemorating this, but the Polish President, Andrzej Duda, is not.
