The Hungarian state joins the Granite Bank again


Gránit Bank wants to become one of the 5 to 10 biggest players in the Hungarian banking sector in the next ten years, said Éva Hegedüs, president and CEO of the bank. The capital increase announced today is a good help in this. The bank At the end of October this year, its total balance was approaching HUF 500 billion., manages nearly 70,000 customer accounts and closes its 7th profitable business year in 2020 after in the first nine months of this year, the pre-tax profit of almost HUF 1.4 billion accomplished. The bank’s business model is based on financial services provided through digital channels, a universal range of corporate and retail services, and conservative and prudent loans. The bank’s loan-to-deposit ratio is between 55% and 65%, compared to around 80% in the banking sector, and the non-performing loan ratio is only 0.04%, according to Éva Hegedüs. So far, corporate lending has dominated the bank, but they also want to significantly strengthen retail services over the next ten years.
