The Hungarian state is borrowing EUR 162.5 million from the European Investment Bank


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The European Investment Bank and the Finance Ministry signed a loan agreement for € 162.5 million on Friday, writes based on the bank’s announcement. With this amount, the bank will support Hungarian healthcare to meet the challenges posed by the coronavirus.

According to the announcement, the beneficiary of the loan is the maintainer of the Hungarian hospitals, the State Health Center, which will cease to exist, so according to the portal, it is expected that the National General Directorate of Hospitals will receive the amount. This will also cover the purchase of medical devices, protective equipment and mobile units that can be linked to the coronavirus, as well as the construction of a container hospital.

The European Investment Bank, of which the EU Member States are shareholders, has so far loaned approximately € 21.6 billion to Hungary, most of it € 13.2 billion over the 10 years from 2008 to 2018.

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