The Hungarian soldiers received a new armor.


Last December it was officially announced that the Army would regularize more than 300 Gidrán 4×4 wheeled armored military vehicles. The vehicles will be manufactured in Hungary in Kaposvár on the model of the Turkish military vehicles Nurol Makina Ejder Yalcin and NMS 4×4:

The vehicles to be delivered are still manufactured in Turkey, and between 40 and 60 of the more than 300 vehicles to be regularized will be manufactured in Turkey.

“The sixteen-ton Gidrans, in addition to providing a high degree of protection for their personnel and the soldiers they transport, also have the technical equipment that is an essential part of the modern military,” he writes on the Defense Forces Facebook page. from Hungary. .

So far a total of 10 Gidrans have arrived in Hungary, the vehicles have been retrofitted by the experts at HM ArmCom Kommunikációechnikai Zrt. According to Hungarian needs.

Cover image: Mátyás Kismartoni / HM Zrínyi Nonprofit Zrt. Via Hungarian Defense Forces
