The Hungarian Residents Association reacted with harsh words to Orbán’s indulgence


“There are no ducklings in Hungary’s health care,” the Hungarian Residents Association said in a statement on Saturday night, after Viktor Orban the Prime Minister insulted residents in his regular interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday. According to the notice sent to Telex

In Hungarian healthcare, there are nurses and a number of other professionals, resident doctors, home and hospital specialists, including chief doctors and teachers, as well as physical and mental workers who support the work of the former. Now they have received help from more and more medical students and other college health students for months. “

The text also states that the work of those listed is essential to cure as many patients as possible. Furthermore, they emphasize that resident physicians represent about 20 percent of non-retired physicians who work in hospitals.

“We are confident that, in addition to the governance of the sector, those at the highest levels of leadership in the country will refrain from making ambiguous or negative interpretations in their speeches,” said the president of the Hungarian Residents Association. Dr. Gergő Báthori in the text indicated by

The communication concludes that in order to give the public a credible picture of the daily life of doctors working in COVID departments, MRSZ is launching a new project in which resident doctors will report on their care experiences.

A Lénárd Ritacommented the vice president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber on the words of Viktor Orbán. Rita Lénárd said:

If necessary, I will also be a valet with two professional exams. Along with residents, they can only be cured by hand. You can’t go without them. Young people are the base, the future, without them we cannot advance.
