The Hungarian Rectors Conference asked the maintainer of SZFE and the student government to negotiate


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The Hungarian Rectors Conference and the National Conference of Student Municipalities (HÖOK) initiated a consultation on the situation of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE).

The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference announced to the MTI on Friday that the invitation to conciliation, to be held at Eötvös Loránd University on September 8, was accepted by the university management, the head of the university maintainer and the head of the self-government of university students.

The consultation was initiated by the two organizations because they see that “stronger statements” tend to deepen the gap between the maintainer and the university, and a solution is needed to resolve it.

Both organizations see structural change as a forward-thinking process, but their firm position is that it can only lead to results if both the maintainer and the university begin to cooperate along the same lines, otherwise the university and students will see each other. harmed in the process, they added.

The direction of the SZFE and the Senate also resigned with effect from September 1, since that day the institution is maintained by the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Cinema, and the president of the board is Attila Vidnyánszky.

We have already written in detail about how Attila Vidnyányszky occupied the institution. The management of the institution has resigned since the appointment of Vidnyánszky, and the building on Vas Street of the university has been occupied by students who are only willing to leave if the new board appointed by the NER resigns. The students will also organize a live broadcast between SZFE and Parliament on Sunday, and a solidarity demonstration will take place in front of the building on Friday afternoon.

László Upor reported on SZFE’s hasty and unsupported change of model once before members of the Rectors’ Conference at the end of June, SZFE reported in an extraordinary newsletter, all more worth quoting:

“On the last day of June, the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference (MRK) held its inaugural plenary session at Eötvös Loránd University. The plenary of the organization representing the entire system of Hungarian higher education institutions consists of 64 rectors (directors of universities who perform tasks). The main task of the meeting was to approve the annual report and elect the new leadership. Minister László Palkovics appeared as a guest and gave a lecture. The coincidence – the orientation of the pulpit and the seating arrangement of the ceremonial hall – brought such a look to the author of this account that he immediately saw the author of this account. It is not known if this was planned in the first place or dictated by his great situational awareness and instincts, in any case he spent the first few minutes of the half-hour speech highlighting the benefits and need for the “model change” just for SzFE. In a cheerful tone, he recalled our meeting last week and his “dialogue” with the students, and commented with some theatrical confusion that there is one (unique!) Institution that (yet) does not see the blessing that the transition of the foundation will bring. . And, of course, he repeated the easily masculine turn of gladly inviting artist Dorottya Udvaros to the board of directors. He went on to illustrate the benefits and already visible results of the model change – and the “grade change in higher education” – illustrating it with familiar tables and figures. At the end of his speech, the minister – and the accompanying Secretary of State József Bódis – left, so it remains an eternal puzzle if there was a person present who would have asked a substantive question or perhaps commented on what was said.

After the approval of the annual report, Gábor Bolvári-Takács, rector of the University of Dance Arts, president of the Chair of Rectors of the Universities of Arts (MERSz) requested the floor. At the end of his parable from afar, he concluded by saying that the forced pace of the SzFE transformation is detrimental, as no transformation can be truly effective if there is not enough time to mature. After this helpful introduction by Rector Bolvár, it was easy for me to speak. MRK is declared to be an organization for the protection of the interests of universities, and a model change like ours will soon encompass all higher education, at least as planned. And since it doesn’t really matter where I go, I felt compelled to speak up. I confirmed how harmful and dangerous the unreasonable rush is. I recalled that the long-running campaign against the university creates an extremely bad environment, the constant credit crunch causes enormous damage, at least it gives the maintainer’s pure intentions a buttery tone and does not give the SFE community a chance to see the potential benefits. I have repeatedly said that in a true democracy, those involved are participants, not victims, of such transformation. Let’s try not to be the last, for that I tried to perform my monologue. Just three days before the engulfing parliamentary vote, I couldn’t wait for the MRK to even consider any action, investigation or statement, I wasn’t expecting any joint position, but I was genuinely surprised by the perfect echo, the silence in the room that seemed indifferent. No questions or comments.

It was even more unexpected how many complaints and encouragement, how many understanding and compassionate comments were made at the joint dinner after the meeting, from almost everyone. It was a strange feeling: it was much more sad than comforting. “

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