The Hungarian government has signed an agreement with the largest US private space research company


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Hungary, the Hungarian government and the Hungarian prime minister are surrounded by clear respect, appreciation and support at the White House in Washington, the foreign and foreign minister said on Facebook Tuesday night.

Peter Szijjártó said after attending the signing ceremony of the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain as the only EU foreign minister in Washington. According to the minister, the event held in the White House garden could be covered in the pages of history books. Two agreements have been signed that could open a completely new chapter, peace and terrorism could replace peace. This, as he emphasized, is also important because security in the Middle East also affects Europe’s security situation. The minister believed that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, had delivered a performance that had brought to the ceiling agreements that not many would have thought. “Usually they get the Nobel Peace Prize for that,” he said.

More during the chancellor’s trip He also had conversations with, for example, US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and Mark Meadows, Donald Trump’s chief of staff.

Péter Szijjártó emphasized: the relationship between Hungary and the United States has never been so good. Both Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump speak honestly and clearly about their vision, political correctness and hypocrisy are not typical of either of them, and this creates an opportunity for excellent cooperation. In addition, they both take a firm stance against illegal migration, think similarly about protecting Christian communities, supporting families, and agreeing on global policy issues.

During the chancellor’s trip An agreement was also signed between the largest publicly traded space research company and the Hungarian government.

Unfortunately, the statement did not reveal what company the minister was thinking of.

On energy issues, Péter Szijjártó said: In Washington, they recognized that Hungary had agreed with Shell on a long-term gas purchase plan. Péter Szijjártó emphasized that it is of utmost importance for Hungary to be able to obtain natural gas from as many sources and as many routes as possible.

Péter Szijjártó also met with David Cornstein, who will finish his work as ambassador in Budapest and will return to the United States in November. In this regard, the minister also said that according to his proposal, which was accepted by Viktor Orbán, Szabolcs Takács, the ministerial commissioner responsible for coordinating the management of the foreign policy of Brexit and the external economic effects on Hungary, could be the next ambassador. from Hungary in Washington.

Cover image source: MTI / KKM / Mátyás Borsos
