The Hungarian government gave Poland one of the valuable works of art from the National Museum


By one of the decisions of the Hungarian Gazette containing the discharge of the Christmas decree, the government transfers to Poland the ownership of one of the valuable objects of the National Museum, II. Zsigmond Ágost, the child armor of the Polish king, noticed Telex.

Until now, armor has been one of the most feared treasures in the Hungarian National Museum. Among the top 50 items in the collection are the children’s armor in question.

The armor arrived in Hungary by mistake about 100 years ago.

Article 177 of the Trianon dictatorship on the Hungarians and article 196 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, signed with the Austrians, established that Austria had to supply the objects of the old judicial collections “included in the concept of Hungarian intellectual property”. As a result, we received the then II. An object considered Louis’ infantile armor. A few years later, however, it became clear that the owner of the armor was indeed II. Sigismund is a Polish king, he was and was once able to exchange the two objects in the time of Maria Teresa.
