The Hungarian billionaire opened a special cardiology center


A specialized cardiology center has been opened at the Wáberer Medical Center (WMC), where there is a range of services that are not available in private care or only in very few locations, from examinations for arrhythmias and chest pain to regular examinations pacemaker.

After several months of testing, the Wáberer Heart Center (WKC) was inaugurated in full swing at the beginning of September. The six outpatient consultations of the center and the diagnostic background, also suitable for the preparation of cardiac, cardio- and coronary-CT MRI, guarantee the complete screening, care and follow-up of cardiology patients.

György Wáberer, the new owner of WMC, opened his 2,500-square-meter private health center this summer in the HillSide office building at the BAH junction in Buda.

Márton Vértesaljai, internist, cardiologist and head of the center, highlighted at the inauguration that although cardiology has become a highly specialized field and other professionals deal with arrhythmias, sports cardiology or congenital heart disease, it is still a matter of finding and select the appropriate specialist. it often depends on the patients.

Taking a patient to the right specialist is important for a quick diagnosis and starting the right therapy, but unfortunately this is not always the case, even in private healthcare and therefore the patient may roam the care system during weeks or months.

Arrhythmia and arrhythmia problems that affect many people are discussed at the WKC Arrhythmia Ambulatory Clinic, where the causes of previously untreated heartbeat, pounding heartbeat and discomfort, with irregular and rare arrhythmias with ECG monitoring of several days (Holter).

In case of sudden chest pain, it is advisable to visit the WKC Outpatient Chest Pain Clinic, which is open every day, where, following international protocols, the cause of the problem is investigated during an immediate investigation, excluding possible coronary disease.

Arrhythmias and heart failure are common in most children born with heart disease in adulthood. Regular post-infancy cardiac follow-up is offered at the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Outpatient Clinic.

One of the most commonly used tools to treat arrhythmia problems is the pacemaker and implantable defibrillator (ICD). At WKC’s specialty outpatient pacemaker / ICD clinic, a pacemaker examination is provided in a way that is unique in private home care, and a pacemaker MRI examination will be available soon.

Cardiology risks prior to pregnancy are assessed in a separate outpatient clinic, and sports cardiology also has a separate outpatient clinic.

The WMC Walk-IN Center also assists in cardiology patient pathway shortening, providing immediate care, where for patients with acute complaints, WMC emergency physicians provide a hospital approach to the involvement of an appropriate specialist cardiologist for the identified problems.

Dismal statistics

Every second Hungarian dies from cardiovascular diseases: according to data from the CSO, 131,000 people died in Hungary in 2018, 65,000 of them due to circulatory problems. Approximately 6,000 died from acute myocardial infarction and another 26,000 from other ischemic heart disease.

Lifestyle factors play an important role in the development of circulatory diseases, and their early detection and treatment can significantly reduce your risk. The risk factors derived from our lifestyle – high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, sedentary lifestyle – are well known, but we have been able to achieve partial success in fighting them in recent decades. For example, 62 percent of adult Hungarian men are considered to be overweight, and we don’t smoke well either, as about a third of the total population over 15 years of age smokes regularly.

Problems can be prevented

Therefore, prevention plays an important role, but the Hungarian population still has a low willingness to undergo preventive examinations and due to the COVID-19 epidemic, screening tests have been delayed for months in addition to cardiological examinations. .

Márton Vértesaljai highlighted in this regard that, according to the professional position of the European Society of Cardiology, the number of fatal cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced if a large number of coronary CT scans are performed. This is much more effective than a load ECG known as bicycle ergometry, is less cumbersome to perform, and requires
its accuracy is also higher, since there are virtually no false negative results, and the probability of false positive results is also significantly lower.

Coronary CT scan is also recommended in case of dyspnea and chest pain, as atherosclerosis affecting the coronary arteries can be detected with high precision at an early stage with the painless method for only 20 minutes. Lifestyle changes, medication, or stenting can prevent coronary disease from getting worse or more complicated, and the patient can live healthier for decades.
