The host of TV2 moved in with her husband, so she decided to do it


As our article previously reported, Máté Lékai also contracted the coronavirus. The national handball player has been in quarantine since last Friday and has not been able to meet with his wife or son since then. Ramóna Kiss spoke on TV2 about the current situation.

“Due to my work, I am mostly in Budapest and fortunately in disgrace, before I could go home after the second transmission of Dancing with the Stars, it turned out that the team was already infected with a coronavirus, so I went to Veszprém to Máté, but to my parents’ house. However, for safety, they also tested me, with negative results. Matthew is in mandatory quarantine, he has not been able to meet us, so he has been taking care of our health since last Friday, and will continue to be, based on his positive test, for the next ten days. Now the most important thing is to take care of everyone’s health ”, said Lékai-Kiss Ramóna.
