The hidden figure of the rocky Virgin – Esotericism


The paintings of the genius of science and art, Leonardo da Vinci, form a special stain of color in the painting. Not only because all of his brushstrokes are masterpieces, but also because most of them have some interesting discoveries or questions waiting to be explained.

The Rocky Madonna painting is also one of them – not visible on artwork for centuries. figures were discovered.

Your little Jesus appeared

The painting is from the National Gallery of micro-X-ray researchers were investigatedThen two previously invisible figures became visible: in one, the baby Jesus was recognized, and in the other, the figure of an angel bent over him. In fact, it is an earlier sketch of the painting that Da Vinci finally rethought. Thanks to the advancement of technology, it became clear how he conceived and how the painter’s genius designed his image.

Rocky Madonna represents the scene in which the Holy Family that flees from Herod finds refuge in a cave. In this cave they meet Saint John the Baptist and an angel destined to protect him. In the painting, Jesus is the boy on the right and John is the boy on the left, whom Mary hugs.

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The essence of micro-X-ray examination is that the chemical components of the ink begin to glow under the influence of rays, as a result of which a scanner can detect and display painted colors that are not visible to the naked eye. In the case of the Da Vinci image, the zinc content of the painting he used helped to highlight the incomplete lines.

The outline that became visible was the one with the angel on the right and Jesus underneath.

The outline that became visible was the one with the angel on the right and Jesus underneath.

This is not the first time that figures painted on Rocky Madonna have been recognized. The image was examined with infrared rays in 2019, when a different sketch of the Virgin Mary was discovered under the paint layer.

He painted it twice

It was the first painting by the creative genius during his stay in Milan as a winged altarpiece from a local church, San Francesco Grande. Da Vinci took the same subject on the canvas twice, first between 1483 and 1486 and second between 1491 and 1508. The first image is in the Louvre, the second in possession of the National Gallery in London. Although differences can be detected, the images are almost identical. The figures revealed by X-rays were hidden under the brush strokes of the second version.

Melody in the image of Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper hid a melody: in our article you can also hear how it sounds.
