The head office reached Hungarian banks so much that they kept it even after the epidemic.


In recent years, the MKB Group has placed special emphasis on the introduction of flexible forms of work organization, so that they have adapted quickly and smoothly to the current situation. With the fast and efficient organization of IT and banking security areas, the vast majority of support backup areas have been working from home for 8 weeks, without interruption.

The reception of work from home among the employees was very positive, the management of the stress situation caused by the transition and the situation was supported by online trainings between managers and employees.

Staying in touch with customers is facilitated by digital solutions such as the recently introduced digital customer calling system at bank branches and MKB VideóBANK, which is also available to retail and corporate customers. New processes learned, constructive and agile solutions will be integrated into long-term operation, they wrote.

At Unicredit, telecommuting was common practice in many areas even before the outbreak, so extended telecommuting was organized in no time, with the necessary expansions, they said.

They added that this was complemented by the background of internal regulation and IT. There are a minimum number of employees whose job or responsibilities do not allow them to work remotely.

At Unicredit, the number of employees at headquarters has been reduced to 10 percent from the previous number, and this can now be permanently maintained, they reported.

Their experiences are positive, they do not experience any deterioration in the efficiency of their employees or in the level of service. They plan to maintain the ability to work remotely in the post-epidemic period, even to a greater extent than before, they said.

According to a survey of Erste Bank employees, almost 80 percent of those who work from home could work from home for at least two months without a problem, and around 40 percent would be delighted to work in this way. shape in the future.

Immediately after the emergency declaration, Erste Bank ordered mandatory home work where possible prior to exit restrictions. Thus, 200 people work at the bank headquarters of more than 2,000 people, but they also tried to reduce the number of personal appearances in the branch network.

OTP said it was considered a serious achievement that most of its employees could switch to work from home in an extremely short time. The advantage of the quick change was that OTP continually improved its IT systems, so safe working conditions were already available, he added.

Office buildings were said to be necessary in the future, too, but their interior design and furnishings in public places will definitely be affected by the experience gained now. The emergency order had a small effect on the construction of the new office building constructed by OTP Bank on Madarász Viktor Street in Budapest, the building is currently in a “near-ready” condition, so there is a possibility of refinements mentioned.

Employees at the Raiffeisen Bank headquarters moved to the head office for a weekend in mid-March. Some of the customer phone service is currently working this way, they said.

This included very significant immediate IT development, bank security measures and the acquisition of assets, they wrote.

Colleagues were able to change almost immediately, new types of collaborations and online discussions took place in 1-2 days, and the day-to-day business has been running smoothly ever since. They noted that the future extension will be decided based on a summary of experiences and the current situation.

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