The hardening comes from today


Operational staff announced at last Thursday’s briefing that that the government will extend the obligation to wear masks to places of hospitality and entertainment starting Monday. Even that day, the government’s decision to extend the mandatory wearing of masks appeared in the Hungarian Gazette.

Viktor Orbán: a new world will begin on Monday

Viktor Orbán qualified this decision in his radio interview last Friday Starting Monday, a new world of controls over the use of masks will begin. Until now, the police have asked, explained, now it is punishable and voila. I see the key to wearing a mask. The situation and the contagion rates make us think about the end of the habituation period. The mask must be worn by anyone who does not wear it, is irresponsible and endangers their circle of acquaintances. The police have the right to close the restaurant, even for cultural and sporting events. This moment has come the prime minister explained.

Viktor Orbán: a new world will begin on MondaySource: MTI / Bruzák Noémi

Therefore, the rules for using the mask have been expanded.

We all have responsibilities these days, individual responsibility, shared responsibility, responsibility of the authorities. Cecilia Müller had already talked about all this. The national medical director said it was extremely important that


He also said that it is important that everyone has access to adequate care in hospitals. Let everyone have a place, an intensive care provider, a ventilator; in Hungary, at the moment they have all these, as well as the necessary forms of care and medicines.

We will be tightening from Monday because you have to tighten it

he said, but also that wearing a mask has been shown to prevent transmission of the virus by nearly 80 percent.

Cecília Müller: The use of masks has been shown to prevent transmission of the virus by almost 80 percentSource: MTI / Kormany.Hu

He recalled that at the beginning of the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that patients wear a mask. By now, however, the virus has spread to such an extent that it is no longer known with certainty who is sick, many are asymptomatic. That is why now everyone is considered contagious, ”said Cecília Müller, adding that this is why the mandatory rules for wearing masks have been extended. According to the medical director In order to live our lives, we must introduce, adhere to, and enforce these restrictions. The police can hold the rules to account much more strictly, and if they do not do so otherwise, they should be punished.

You do not need to wear a mask while eating or drinking

Starting from Monday, according to detailed rules, waiters and guests will be able to work in nightclubs, at the venue of a music or dance event, anywhere food and drink are not served, at sporting events and their parties. catering, and in-store catering.
They should wear a medical mask, a safety mask, or a mask made of cloth or other material so that it permanently covers the nose and mouth.

It is also included in the regulations that in a store where restoration is also carried out as an auxiliary activity, it is not necessary to wear the mask during the period of consumption of the food and beverages purchased there.

As before, the use of masks is still mandatory:

  • by public transport,
  • in cinemas, theaters, museums, libraries,
  • in institutions of health and social care, public service and postal customer services,
  • at sporting events and outdoors.
A significant adjustment will take effect in Hungary from MondayPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

There will also be more detailed rules on how to wear a mask. According to these A person staying as a guest in the caterer is also required to wear a mask in the following cases:

  • sit at a table in a caterer, or
  • If the food or drink purchased from the caterer can be consumed not only while sitting at a table, you are not obliged to wear the mask only during the period of consumption of the food or drink.

The person who does not wear the mask at the request of the catering operator or an employee of the catering operator will be excluded from the operator’s visit and must ensure that this person leaves the catering establishment.

Variable penalties

The wording of the sanctions has also changed. If the commercial authority becomes aware of a breach of the mask obligation during an inspection or after notifying the police,

  1. apply a warning
  2. You can impose a fine of between HUF 100,000 and HUF 1,000,000, or
  3. You can temporarily close the store or premises for at least one day and for up to one year.
The use of the mask will be strictly controlled by the authorities.Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The commercial authority may impose the following criminal rules:

  • apply a warning in the event of a first breach of the obligation,
  • in the event of a second breach of the obligation, impose a fine of 100,000 HUF to 1,000,000 HUF,
  • In the event of a third breach of the obligation, the store or premises may be temporarily closed for a period of at least 3 days and a maximum of one year,
  • As of the fourth breach of the obligation, you may temporarily close the store or premises for at least the same number of days as the number of occasions of breach, for a maximum period of one year.


The regulation is also complemented by the rule that the police are designated as the commercial authority, can carry out inspections and can also apply the above legal consequences.

Máté Kocsis: Left parties didn’t help either

Máté Kocsis, the leader of the Fidesz faction, spoke about which have been toughened at various points, so who, for example, violates the quarantine rules can expect a fine of up to 150 thousand forints. As he said, those who underestimate the epidemic must also understand that they are playing games not only with their own health but also with others, so they must be punished harder if someone does not follow the rules.


At the time, they did not support the extension of the state of emergency, did not vote for the coronavirus law, and even tried to make Hungary expire abroad. Protection against the epidemic is still tarnished. The new measures were not voted on either, the amount of the fine was not even reduced, thus increasing the risk.

Máté Kocsis: There are not many rules, but they must be taken seriouslySource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

They respond, they attack health care, they continue to entrust the cameraman with the presidency of the parliamentary commission of epidemiology, and they made absurd proposals that, for example, pensioners cannot access buses and trams.

– wrote Máté Kocsis.

There are not many rules, but they must be taken seriously because defending is a shared responsibility. Therefore, those who do not wear the mask despite the regulations will be sanctioned as of Monday. And the authorities are asked to close down all the places where the defense rules are not followed!
