The government seems to have had a new idea


There is great interest in supporting home renovation among families living in a single family home with at least one child. According to nearly three-quarters of those surveyed, they have the opportunity to tidy up their homes with the help of 50 percent help, according to recent research by Wienerberger Téglaipari Zrt. According to the responses, in addition to beautifying the interior walls, rebuilding the ceiling is what most would do.

Seventy-two percent of parents living in single-family homes – that is, people who are considered a potential target group – see the opportunity to use claimed state support to renovate homes beginning early next year, and the government has announced the bases these days. A quarter of those surveyed were already – a few days after the first news, before the detailed regulations were published – were pretty sure they were taking advantage of this opportunity, reveals Wienerberger Téglaipari zRt. investigation.

Among those with a medium economic level, this proportion is much higher. In their case, 43 percent indicated that they would definitely like to take advantage of this opportunity. The company surveyed 500 parents living in single-family homes.

The largest proportion of respondents, more than three-quarters of those surveyed, would consider ordering the interior masonry to be the most important, but a nearly similar circle (72-72 percent) indicated that there was room for improvement in both the roof and on the exterior facade.

Starting in January, families raising at least one child can claim 50 percent of their expenses, up to HUF 3 million, as state support for the reconstruction of their apartment.

Most of them (56 percent) are thinking of requesting state funds of 2 million HUF or less, in the case of the ceiling, people calculate with a more expensive expense, even if they demand the upper limit given by law. At the same time, a third of those calculating the roof renovation believe that the necessary work can be done at a maximum cost of 1 million HUF.

30 year old slate roofs can be renewed

Behind the intention of renovating the roof is basically the obsolete structure, because those who want to spend public funds mainly on this, usually live in a house that is more than 30 years old. Also, many of them have slate roofs that need to be rebuilt because they have been in the house for decades.

For information on roof renovation plans and access to support, visit the Wienerberger website for detailed information.

It’s not worth rushing

Many people want to beautify and tidy their homes, but strong intentions should not be rushed. Renovation work often involves serious interventions, so it is definitely worth exploring the subject well, finding out from various sources. It is worth analyzing possible solutions and deciding carefully. This is the basis for choosing a technically correct solution that provides aesthetically lasting results. Not to mention, in general, this is the way to make the most profitable decision.

When renovating the roof of an older seatback, it is not certain that all structural elements will need to be replaced. You can also choose a tile that offers a high aesthetic experience and is technically perfectly suited to the original structure. Therefore, for the owner as a whole, rebuilding can be much more profitable than other solutions, Wienerberger experts note.

According to the survey, a quarter of home improvement planners consider work at home urgent and believe it should be done without support. Every third respondent could only make partial corrections without support. However, a total of 35 percent believe that without the support of the State, there is no possibility of carrying out reconstruction tasks.
