The government office has blocked the Mezőkövesd decree banning the book “Fairy tale for all”


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Decided by the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Government Office, the Mezőkövesd self-government decree, which prohibited the A fairy tale for everyone the use of a storybook that teaches acceptance of minorities.

In relation to the decree, the Company for the Rights of Liberty (HCLU) initiated a procedure for monitoring legality in the competent government office, the results of which were also announced by them in their announcement on Tuesday.

Accordingly, the BAZ county government office accepted the HCLU’s argument that “under the provisions of the Public Education Act and the Child Protection Act, the maintainer can only have a limited voice on professional methodological issues. , without specific instructions on the use or prohibition of any educational medium.

Thus, Zoltán Fekete, Mayor of Mezőkövesd, illegally directly interfered with the educational freedom of kindergarten teachers, which also indirectly affects kindergarten children. His movement was also discriminatory, since the storybook that is intended to be banned shows figures from fairy tales with various characteristics protected by law (such as belonging to a Roma nationality, disability, sexual orientation).

“An instruction that specifically prohibits the use of a storybook with reference to these protected characteristics violates the prohibition of discrimination contained in the Equal Treatment Act and calls on public educational institutions to violate this as well.”

– writes the HCLU.

In addition to finding a violation of the law, the government office issued a call for legality in which it proposed that the mayor’s decision be reversed.

A similar petition is pending before the HCLU on the measure of the mayor of Csepel, Lénárd Borbély, to ban the Book of Fairy Tales.

The Country of Fairy Tales became really known to all due to the fact that Dora Dúró, a politician from Our Country, publicly minced a copy and organized a protest against it, because he thought that “homosexual propaganda” and then the first Minister Viktor Orbán called on gays to leave their children alone. . “Hungary is patient with homosexuality, but there is a red line:

Leave our children alone. “

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