The government has decided: private practice with doctors can go


Salaries in healthcare are rising, private practice can go with the permission of the hospital, and the moratorium can continue. Eighty-five percent of the population favors the mask, Government Information said.

The second wave of the virus is increasing in all parts of Europe, but Hungary is still among the most defensive countries, Gergely Gulyás, the minister in charge of the presidency, said at the government spokesperson briefing.

According to the number of deaths, Hungary and the Central European region are better than Western Europe or the United States. In Hungary there are 90 deaths per million inhabitants, which corresponds to the average for the region; In relation to other countries, Gulyás presented hundreds of data.

Nurses’ salaries increase

In the first wave, the main goal was to prepare for medical care, the tools are now available, and the personal conditions are in place. The government also considers it important to increase the salaries of nurses, now the salaries of nurses will increase by 20 percent from November and by 30 percent more from 2022, a total of 72 percent during the cycle. We managed to reach an agreement with the medical chamber, said Gulyás. An agreement was reached on the approval of the law, it was accepted and the opposition parties also accepted the proposal to increase the salaries of doctors.

Thanksgiving money is being phased out of the system and a medical pay scale has been adopted that could delay the emigration of doctors and even hope that more doctors will consider returning. There will be a significant salary increase from 2021, the average salary will be difficult to determine, but there will be a salary increase of 125 percent. An initial resident will pay HUF 613,000, a 40 year old resident will pay HUF 1.7 million and a resident who works for 3 years will pay almost HUF 800,000. Subsequently, doctors’ salaries can be increased to 2.8 million HUF with adequate time of service without on-call fees.

There were minor problems, but none that did not have to be solved later. The government will be able to handle these detailed rules. These will be defined in government decrees in cooperation with the medical community, Gulyás promised. There will also be new regulations for GPs to ensure they don’t earn less than the pay scale.

They make the control strategy clear, there are 36 designated epidemiological hospitals in the country to which health workers can be redirected, but so far only 1 percent of health workers have had to be redirected.

The new law allows the hospital to restrict, but not prohibit, private practice. If the hospital allows it, you can do private practice, you just don’t want a doctor to work more than 10-12 hours a day because that can’t be done responsibly.

Economic protection measures are coming

The government has helped save or create 1.4 million jobs. There are currently 4,513,000 people working now, which is just 18,000 fewer than the highest number, with unemployment at 3.9 percent. Regarding the protection of families, the government discussed the plans of Katalin Novák, the minister without portfolio for families, the VAT on housing construction will be 5 percent next year and next week the additional plans will be decided for the family protection package.

The building rules will also be simplified, it will be possible to build even without a permit according to the image of the settlement. Also under discussion is an extension of the credit moratorium for retirees, the unemployed, those who raise children, public employees and companies whose sales have fallen by more than 25 percent. The bill could be presented to Parliament next week.

The government consultation questionnaire was completed by many, with 85 percent in favor of wearing a mask, but restrictions on events, closing the country’s borders and maintaining distance also received much support.

Christmas do not raise taxes, there should be fewer deputy mayors

Responding to a journalist’s question, Gulyás said that they do not support Gergely Karácsony’s mayoral plan in Budapest to collect a crisis tax in Budapest. Instead, he suggested that reducing the number of deputy mayors could also save money. According to Gulyás, Budapest is the strongest economic zone, so it does not even benefit from the Kisfaludy program to help tourism.

The government is examining an EU decision on CEU and corresponding regulations will be adopted. György Soros’s call to start a European Union trial in Hungary was answered by the fact that the so-called “trial” is an unknown concept in EU law, so it is not yet a reality.
