The government commissioner ignores the mayor’s calls, so fire stations cannot be opened in Szombathely.


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András Nemény, mayor of Szombathely, writes on his Facebook page that despite the fact that vaccination points have been set up in the city, the chief doctor of the district did not visit them and the government commissioner Bertalan Harangozó does not answer the phone.

The mayor announced on March 10 that, in consultation with the government office, he had designated health service sites that operate periodically and placed vaccinations in cinemas and museums.

He posted the letter on his Facebook page, written by Government Commissioner Bertalan Harangozó: “Based on our telephone conversation yesterday, the district chief doctor should have visited the new vaccination points in Szombathely, which I have designated today. Unfortunately, this did not happen either. However, before starting operations, it is your job to determine if the conditions you have previously set are met. Failure to do so constitutes a delay and therefore endangers the life and physical integrity of the citizens of Szombathely. As the mayor of Szombathely, I would like to ask you to complete the task immediately tomorrow, so that we have the opportunity to notify those who get vaccinated in the next two days. “

He writes that he received no response to the message, despite having been in “daily telephone contact and a fair employment relationship with the government commissioner during the past year.” “He has not answered the phone since. I assume it is not at his own discretion. If the vaccination site is not bypassed, we will not be able to notify people that they will be vaccinated in time and the vaccination plan will be canceled according to the information provided by the GP “ – writes Nemény, who added that the vaccination sites were designated based on Bell’s letter. According to the mayor, “gaining experience with vaccination points in time” I would like to put in the best position “the people of Szombathely who want to be vaccinated at the beginning of mass vaccinations.”

“I can only hope that no political interest prevails over protecting the health of the people entrusted to us.”


