The godmother also embraces the legacy of hackneyed police jokes on her chest


We saw the first part of the new RTL Klub daily series, which evokes not only the spirit of the Gíbölgyi Show, but also the Gíbölgyi itself.

Before Christmas, the RTL Club daily series, the Dear heirsBut the viewers were not left without cabaret jokes involved in rural complications for a long time, the first Sunday of the year the new soap opera, Christian, was already on the screen. The sense of continuity is enhanced by the fact that not only are the creators the same, but the location of the shoot, moreover, even the fundamentals of the story are quite similar. It’s true, meanwhile, Ökörapáti has become Makkosszállás, which instead of the echte village setting is already a small village with a wealthy criminal middle class and a farmers market where perhaps even a lost hipster from the big city could have breakfast. . Acorn’s accommodation, despite the wellness revolution, seems exactly as sterile and lifeless as Ökörapáti did, we just moved from the open-air village atmosphere to a slightly more bloated landscape. But in comedy series, this is not a fatal mistake after all. good friends-The experience is not spoiled by the fact that the IKEA catalog comes to mind from Monica’s living room before a real apartment where real people live.

So it would be easy to go beyond the stage stage if the characters and jokes were sitting down anyway. And here they begin Godmother real problems. The new series is truly a perfect sequel in this regard. Our little townand following in his footsteps Dear heirsTo: The actors in the beautiful numbers are simply television avatars of hackneyed stereotypes, and we’ve never been able to laugh at the jokes they present. The humorous jokes immediately give a taste of the very long opening scene, in which the main comic situation is given by the constant and irritating lifeless disputes of the members of the left-wing smuggling gang. Meanwhile, the silly cop from police jokes appears in multiple copies, and we even get to a Ukrainian criminal familiar with quantum physics, whose conscience is more forced than his accent.

Despite the proliferation of story lines and the increasing seriousness of production standards, there is no doubt that G VALVOLGYI show his spirit hangs over the RTL Klub daily series (obviously this will remain the case as long as he allows the majority of viewers to sit in front of the screens). This general rule is symbolically confirmed by the fact that a Godmothernot just his spirit, but himself János Givelölgyi He also returns to the screen in the role of a love but not very familiar metropolitan police chief. It is he who, in revenge behind God’s back, more precisely, exiles the INCREDIBLY big policeman, Márk Pintér () to the Acorn, who is on the border between Hungary and Ukraine.Gábor Kékesi). Pintér’s detective coolness is indicated not only by the fact that drunken blond kittens squirm on the couch at night and walk around in a sports car, but also by the fact that between two sexist and flirtatious jokes he can take the stalks his sunglasses so gracefully that Steve McQueen he would cry himself too. Anyway, there is no shortage of bastards, each age group has its own badass: the poster on the poster Lighthouse the Great unfortunately has not appeared in the first part yet, but Ganxsta zolee for example, yes, although he has not received many texts yet, so we cannot even form an authoritative opinion about the complexity of his character.

RTL Klub

Based on the first part, the title character of the series seems to be the most viable in all respects: a Molnár Piroska The godmother, the powerful Róza mama, appears only towards the end of the opening episode, but already on this basis she appears to be a much more complex figure than the others. It also establishes the basic conflict of the plot:

On his 69th birthday, he announces that he will retire in a year and hand over control of the mafia to whoever proves to be more fit and wins the mayor’s seat of Makkosszállás in the next elections.

Although this concept is somewhat reminiscent of the adapted from the Croatian series Dear heirs to its original position, although not from there, but from another Croatian series.

The point is that the beating creates a purely competitive situation, providing infinite space for fights, cheats, mistakes, revelations, big twists, and of course, a Romeo and Juliet-style love thread, where Montague is this time the forces. Hungarian police, Cap. and is represented by the acorn smuggling family. So creators don’t have to worry about the dramaturgical strudel fading too soon and based on the opening episode, we have little doubt. Godmother your views will rise in the same way as those of your predecessors.
