The founder of the CÖF, which organizes the March for Peace, received the Knight’s Cross


Gergely Gulyás The Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, on behalf of the President of the Republic, presented the state awards on Friday in Budapest.

  • Awarded the central cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civic section) Michael O’Sullivan historian, writer in recognition of his work in the history of Hungarian history, especially in Trianon and in researching the history of Hungary between and after the two world wars, as well as for his friendship abroad.
  • Awarded the Official Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civic section) Gazdag ferenc, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Emeritus Professor of the National University of Public Administration; Béla Locsmándi, lawyer for the Vajda Es Társa Law Firm, former Secretary of State for Administration and Undersecretary of State; Toldy Skull Emil cardiologist, general director of the St. Francis Hospital in Budapest; László Windisch, former vice president of Magyar Nemzeti Bank.

Awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civic section), among other things

  • László Csizmadia, president of the founding board of the Foundation for Public Benefit of Civil Cooperation, founder of the Civil Cooperation Council, former president of the Council of the National Cooperation Fund;
  • János Gatter architect, project engineer for Steindl Imre Program Nonprofit Zrt .;
  • Tamás Horovitz, President of the Jewish community of Debrecen;
  • Ferenc Hörcher, Professor, Research Professor, State and Political Theory Research Institute, National University of Public Administration, Research Professor
  • Ernő Petz, Honorary Professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, former Executive Director of Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Rt.
  • Balázs Tombor, co-founder of Mathias Corvinus Collegium;

He was awarded the Hungarian Golden Cross of Merit (civic section) Panyik Imre, owner of IP Design Kft. and Toldi Panzió és Étterem; Gyula Pásztor, co-founder of the Downtown Civic Salon; Mrs. Lászlón Szebényi Márkos Lukrécia, founding president of the Hungarian Castles and Mansions Association.

Cover image: László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA-CET, delivers a speech at the joint celebration of the Civil Cooperation Forum (CÖF) – Civil Cooperation Public Benefit Foundation (CÖKA) and the Gazeta Polska clubs on the occasion of the Revolution of 1848-49 and the War of Independence in the Bem square of the capital on March 15, 2019. MTI / Lajos Soós
