The forums are organized at least fourteen universities with the participation of SZFE students


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Students from the University of Theater and Film Arts have been invited to a university organization; it reads in her statement

more than ten metropolitan and rural institutions of higher education hold student forums from the bottom up on Tuesday

Secret University – Student Forum on autonomy. While writing, in some universities, the local student government, in other places, student volunteers organize the forums, evenly until 6pm on Tuesday. “In addition to the students of each university, the majority of their students and SZFE students were invited to most places, to get a more complete picture of the circumstances of the government reorganization in higher education, map the aspects local model change and learn more about the University of Theater and Film. . ”

This is yet another sign of what has already been seen in the numerous student exhibitions, that although the privatization of the universities has so far only been strongly opposed by the SZFE, their protest has raised questions about the entire method in other institutions as well. Gábor Németh, the resigned chief adviser of the SZFE, said at 24: “Newly appointed curators can also receive foundation rights on January 1, 2022, thus cutting the last strand of state dependency. From then on, the State will have nothing to do with these institutions, but the people who have a completely clear commitment will become the employers indefinitely. This cannot be replaced by a change of government, only by a change of regime. And decision makers have said several times that no university will remain dry, because the change will affect all Hungarian higher education. This is extremely worrying, since the critical intelligentsia, whose existence is the key to democracy, is formed in free and autonomous universities. However, if it is possible to make an explicit ideological transfer of values ​​in SZFE, then why not do it in other institutions, where all the rights of the Senate are equally involved by the board of trustees? ”.

According to the Student Self-Government of the SZFE, the vast majority of the events were publicly announced, and it is known that in some universities, the pressure of the student body is forced to outsource forums in the building and spread word of mouth.

What is public is collected on this Facebook page. So far, SZFE students have been invited to speak in publicly announced forums of the following institutions and faculties:

  • Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law
  • Károly Eszterházy University, Eger
  • Independent Music Scholars
  • Hungarian University of Fine Arts
  • Hungarian University of Dance
  • Moholy-Nagy University of the Arts
  • János Neumann University, Kecskemét
  • Pazmany Peter Chatolic University
  • University of Pécs
  • Rippl Rónai Faculty of Arts, Kaposvár campus of Szent István University
  • Szeged University

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

