The five-year-old boy, who tied up his father’s car and went to buy Lamborghini, receives offers


The boy, who lived in Utah, was so sad that his parents would not buy him one that went to California. It didn’t go far. Its history has recently taken a new turn.

When the Utah Highway Police Officer, Rick Morgen On Monday afternoon he saw an SUV near one of the entrances, he thought he was listening to a drunker driver than usual. He looked hard when he stopped the vehicle and saw who was sitting behind the wheel.

There he found a five-year-old boy.

According to Morgen Adrian Zamarripa At first he said he wanted to go to his brother’s house, but he soon confessed the truth, which was even more surprising. The boy wanted to go to California, hundreds of miles away, to buy him a Lamborghini.

As it turned out, the boy quarreled with his mother before the car ride, after the woman told him that he wasn’t going to buy her a Lamborghini in vain, pleading with him. The boy was taken care of by his sister at the time of the incident, but fell asleep, and then the boy snatched the key from his father’s lock, got into the car and left. Utah highway police said on their Twitter page that they may have had a hard time buying one of the super expensive sports cars – it only had three dollars.

Due to the boy’s story, his family has been the target of many attacks on social media, but his notoriety has also profited from people. A local businessman who, like him, is also a fan of the Italian car and owns one, offered the boy the next day to take him for a ride.

Jeremy Neves He said he was very impressed with the child’s determination, but emphasized that he would not encourage any child to do something so dangerous, endangering not only their own but also the physical integrity of others.

The family told Fox25 television that they had received various offers of lamborghinis, and the television reported that they also received several emails to contact the boy’s family.

The highlighted image is Adrian Zamarripa after being detained by the police. Photo: Utah Highway Police
