The five-time Olympic champion swimmer can barely swim at age 25


She has also suffered since the retirement of Missy Franklin, who was previously voted the best in the world, and has now revealed a rather crude detail of her daily life. At 25, the five-time Olympic champion swimmer barely knows how to swim.

Franklin also won the 100 and 200 meter backstroke at the 2012 London Olympics, as well as being a member of the 4×100 mixed relay and 4×200 fast relay, repeating the latter four years later in Rio de Janeiro. He won a total of 11 gold medals in world championships and in 2012 he was voted the best swimmer in the world.

Franklin told a rather surprising secret about exactly why he gave up his beloved sport for good.

Five-time Olympic champion swimmer Missy Franklin can barely swim at 25Forrás: dpa Picture-Alliance / AFP / Michael Kappeler

“I can’t swim because of my injuries. That’s what I mean by jumping into the water and maybe 20-30 minutes to be together, but my shoulders hurt so much that it’s the maximum time I can handle my body” – he quoted. classic on the Eurosport Extension page.

He added that he no longer expected to return.

“My second shoulder surgery, which would have been necessary, has not happened, and I don’t see the point in going back to it, neither in terms of my physical or mental health.”
