The first day of general digital education started with a bang: CRETE collapsed


According to our readers, there was a problem with the CRETE system starting school in the morning. Readers of the Index also complained that although they were instructed as educators to use the CRETE system, it stalled or did not work at all.

This is not the first time that there has been a problem with the basic system, it has complicated the teachers’ lives several times in February. This then and now causes more inconvenience to educators and students than usual because the system also gives access to the so-called Digital Collaboration Space (DKT), which was developed to make the use of other educational software on the digital agenda unnecessary. Also, it has been necessary to move to online education in elementary schools starting today.

Ekréta Informatikai Zrt customer service. It was reported that the DKT system and then the entire range of eKRÉTA services collapsed starting at 8 am. So the cause of the error is not a malicious attack on the servers, the downtime was caused by an overload. Students whose school has designated the use of the CRETE system for digital communication may legitimately invoke error as a reason for their absence. System specialists are working to restore the system, which is expected to be available again starting at noon.

The use of CRETE became mandatory in schools in the 2017/2018 school year, so far almost HUF 8 billion have been spent developing the system.
