The European Parliament would have heard Attila Vidnyánszky, but his microphone was not turned on, which he said was a metaphor.


On Tuesday morning, the European Parliament held a hearing on the transformation of the University of Theater and Film. The discussion took place in Parliament’s Committee on Culture, called an exchange of views, as no formal decision will be taken on the matter, except that the matter will also be debated at European level.

The president of the commission spoke that the matter was important because the reorganization of the foundation violated the freedom of education, which is an important fundamental right, so two people from both sides were invited. For the goverment György László Y Attila Vidnyánszkyt, the new president of the board of directors, and of the university László Upor was rector commissioner and Milovitz Hannat, a student from the institution was invited.

György László said that in his opinion it is important to have a professional discussion and interpret the issues in the framework of the renewal of Hungarian higher education. According to him, based on successful foreign models, he wanted to bring universities closer to the professions, and the autonomy of the university is guaranteed by the constitution.

According to György, eight universities had this change of model, seven of which were successful, there were only problems in the case of SZFE. He said the government and university leaders met 12 times. He said that the top 10 film universities in the world are all privately owned and that the majority of Oscars are won by those who study in private education. He also talked about how successful he was Andy vajna under the Hungarian film industry. He added that the SZFE budget is planned to be quadrupled, which will be HUF 3 billion next year. According to George, hypersensitivity reactions have occurred on both sides, it will take empathy and patience to reach an agreement.

László Upor said that SZFE is a small university, but last week it still drew 15,000 people to the streets of Budapest. According to him, the transformation was forced and in the end they lost the guarantees that could ensure autonomy. According to him, autonomy is a very important value, but the events of the recent period are quite the opposite. Upor says there is also a slight twist in privatization because restructured universities receive public money but without control, and autonomy goes to the boards of directors rather than the universities. And the board of directors is appointed by the ministries, so there is a possibility that it will interfere in the life of the university. In the case of the SZFE, he said, the intervention took place: the rights of the Senate in relation to appointments were taken away, which deprived the university of its self-determination.

He said university leaders had previously voiced their concerns, with students staging demonstrations, but the ministry had not heard any questions, not even during those conversations. He said protesters have managed to keep politics out, but the university will not give up the fight as the board of directors only communicates in announcements and even changes the rules on a daily basis.

Upor said they were arrogantly trying to solve the problem last week when the new principal turned off the Internet and closed classrooms.

What Attila Vidnyánszky said at first could not be heard because he did not press his microphone, so within minutes Milovitz took the floor while the coach tried to solve Vidnyánszky’s problems. Milovitz said that they had been aware of the university’s transformation intent, that they had been promised innovation and international connections, but in fact the whole process was very unworthy as it was carried out, as they were not negotiated with anyone. He said that from the information received from the press by the university community about the decisions, they cannot participate in the newly formed leadership, they do not have a voice in the leadership of the institution.

According to him, he was forced to maintain the blockade and in the meantime all the buildings in front of them were closed, including the dormitory and the room where the democratic student government met. According to him, they seem to provide support and autonomy, in fact, they refer to the classification under the government.

After Milovitz, Vidnyánszky was again given the floor, who began to speak enthusiastically, but again they heard nothing from him. The image showed the chairman of the board of directors speaking, but his voice was not heard, which he was told several times.

It took about a quarter of an hour to turn against Vidnyansky, until then two committee members were able to ask questions, one asked how to do Christian theater, and a representative of the Slovenian Christian Democrats said that he believed the left was organizing the protests. Finally, Vidnyansky lit up.

According to the president of the board, the fact that he was not heard for the first time is a metaphor for the lack of communication with the university. He said that the world of Hungarian theater is diverse, he thinks that it is not good that the world of the university is so closed and does not serve the theaters.

According to him, the university has always had problems communicating with the maintainer, as evidenced by the lousy infrastructure with which it still operates. He said that they had previously indicated that the work currently being done at the university could continue, no one would be fired, they just wanted the institution to be more colorful.

We pay special attention to Arab theatrical life. This is the opening in my interpretation

Vidnyánszky referred to the theater meeting he also organized, illustrating the openness he wanted to achieve.

He said there were so many at the rally because leftist politicians held a campaign opening and later said he thought the students had received training from well-known politicians before.

At all times, all university-related events take place in the organization and management of left-wing parties. However, we must understand the word, even if the current László Upor calls me a dehumanized human object.

Vidnyánszky added. According to him, the change was not a problem for the thirty thousand students of the universities that have been restructured so far, there are five hundred, “more precisely not five hundred, but for a tiny nucleus that have already received training” it is a problem.

In closing, he said that they were open to all hearings, but would require the admission of the legally appointed chancellor at the university.

Finally, he showed photos of what he thought were terrible fire and hygienic conditions, and even lawlessness at the university, which concerned him. Not much could be seen in the printed photos that were placed in front of the webcam.

Finally, he said that the tapes posted on the door of the university “represent a legal continuity with the period since World War II.” He also talked about it being a cleansing process and trying to feel good about them. According to him, there is also a great opportunity to build a new campus.

László Upor then said again that the negotiations were not real negotiations and, according to him, only the autonomy of the board grows, not that of the university. According to him, Vidnyánszky has been tarnishing the reputation of teachers for years and has so far put forward three different conspiracy theories.

Like the last speaker, Hanna Milovitz said they were never manipulated by their teachers, despite the government media tending them as children. He said that nobody pays them, that they want autonomy and free education. He also spoke of going to the Constitutional Court.

Our article is constantly updated.
