The EU is investigating one of the most promising anti-coronavirus drugs under an accelerated procedure.


The European Union is examining an approved procedure to use a drug called remdesivir to treat patients infected with the coronavirus, the Swedish Medicines Agency said on Sunday.

Epidemiologist of the Nordic Drug Licensing Authority, Charlotta Bergqvist TV4 told Swedish television that a decision on the introduction of remdesivir could be made in a few days.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Saturday approved the use of remdesivir to treat people infected with coronavirus with a particularly serious condition.

Earlier this week Abe Sindzó The Japanese prime minister also announced that remdesivir is expected to be approved against the virus-induced Covid-19 disease.

The drug was developed by the American company Gilead Sciences as a possible antidote against Ebola. According to a recent study in the prestigious medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine, the use of remdesivir is approximately 70 percent effective, but can have serious kidney side effects, for example.

István Vályi-Nagy, Director-General of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases at South Pest Central Hospital, said at a press conference on the operational strain responsible for controlling the epidemic on Saturday that Hungary is one of the first to participate with Poland in the trial. of remdesivir intravenously. hospital.

(MTI, highlighted by Ulrich Perrey / POOL / AFP)
