the EU is introducing new sanctions for presidential elections in Belarus


During the informal meeting of foreign ministers of the EU member states, Péter Szijjártó highlighted in a statement delivered to the public media that

Member States agree to extend the list of sanctions.

On this occasion, the EU will penalize the leaders of the Electoral Commission in Belarus and the police leaders involved in the protests that began after the presidential elections.

The Foreign Ministers of the Visegrad Four also held a special meeting and decided to ask the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, not to wait until the next formal and formal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in a month, but take care of it as soon as possible through a written decision-making process. extension

added the head of Hungarian diplomacy, underlining that

uncertainty is not good for anyone and may “strongly question the seriousness of the EU”.

EU Foreign Ministers also agree on a three-axis approach:

changes in Belarus must remain within a constitutional framework and the sovereignty of Belarus and the will of the people must always be respected,

and as a third fundamental principle, geopolitical considerations must be taken into account, “since Russia is a neighbor,” said Péter Szijjártó.

He added that it seems possible to reach a consensus around the mediating role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as Belarus is also a member of the organization and Russia is also participating in its work.

On Russia, Peter Szijjártó added that

EU-Russia relations will also be on the agenda of the next formal Council meeting.

In this case, “there is still strong hypocrisy”, as the EU sanctions imposed on Moscow due to the Ukraine crisis do not affect the Member States equally.

The largest Western European economies have increased their exports to Russia by almost 25 percent since 2015, while Hungary, for example, has been adversely affected by sanctions, but we have never broken the unity of the EU.

stressed the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

As you said, it is important that the unity of the EU develops on another issue, namely the issue of energy supply in the Member States. Due to the situation of infrastructure, historical heritage, geographical location and European flood conditions, it has been developed that Hungary purchases natural gas from Russia, and

We do not accept that nobody tells us where and how much to buy gasoline ”.

An essential element of national sovereignty and national security is free choice about where to obtain the best, fastest and safest sources of energy, Péter Szijjártó said.

The minister also said that in connection with one of the main topics of the informal meeting of foreign ministers, the Turkish-Greek and Turkish-Cypriot dispute over the natural gas fields discovered in the eastern Mediterranean, several people warned of the danger of a growing illegal migration. One

A new wave of migration from Turkey would pose, for the first time, “staggering challenges” for the Western Balkan countries.

it would then hit the Schengen borders and pose “staggering health risks” due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Therefore, instead of cracking down on Turkey, the focus should be on cooperation,

because the appearance of “four million illegal immigrants in Turkey at the Schengen borders, and practically on the southern border of Hungary, is definitely a phenomenon to be avoided,” said Péter Szijjártó.

He added that it was made as a compromise proposal that Turkey be asked to enter into dialogue and suspend test drilling offshore. However, due to its importance, the matter will not be addressed by the Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers, but by the European Council, which brings together the Heads of State or Government of the Member States, at its next two-day meeting on 24th September.
