The epidemic has peaked in Britain


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Britain also reached the maximum number of people needing hospital treatment for the new type of coronavirus and the death toll from Covid-19 disease caused by coronavirus, the British director of the UK Health Service said on Sunday ( NHS) England.

Stephen Powis (left) at a joint press conference with Cabinet Secretary Michael GovePhoto: PIPPA FOWLES / AFP

Stephen Powis said at a press conference on Sunday night in Downing Street, illustrated with graphics, that

The number of patients treated at the hospital for Covid-19 disease fell 13 percent nationwide in the past week, from 16,395 to 14,220.

The decline is particularly significant in London’s epidemic center, where nearly 5,000 patients were hospitalized a month ago, but their numbers no longer exceed 2,000.

The number of deaths in the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK has increased from 315 to 28,446 in the past 24 hours. This was the lowest daily increase in recent weeks, and Professor Powis emphasized that the seven-day moving average, which filters daily fluctuations, also shows that the number of deaths has peaked.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the other day that the Covid-19 epidemic in Britain has already peaked and is on a downward trajectory. However, it was first said at Sunday’s press conference that the number of people hospitalized and deaths among each of the key sub-indicators also peaked.


The prospectus also said that 1,206,405 coronavirus screenings had been conducted nationwide on Sunday and that 186,599 people were found to be infected with the new coronavirus. On the last day, 4,339 new infections were detected. Professor Stephen Powis highlighted at the press conference:

The number of recently confirmed infections per day is decreasing despite the recent sharp increase in the number of examinations per day.

A month ago, fewer than 20,000 exams were performed in the UK every day, but there were days in the week when the number of exams exceeded 120,000, and 76,496 tests were conducted 24 hours a day, the weekend ended Sunday morning.

Michael Gove, head of the cabinet office that coordinates the work of the British government, said that the government will present next week a comprehensive plan on how to restart the economy, how children can return to school, how to travel back to work and how to make jobs safer. so that control of the epidemic can continue. (MTI)

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