The EP reacted to Orbán’s veto: the agreements are final


The agreements reached on the European Union’s seven-year financial framework after 2020 and the rule of law have been finalized and in no way can be reopened, the Conference of Presidents, which acts as the committee of the House of Parliament, said on Wednesday. European. According to them, in accordance with this, the EP leaders are calling on the Council, made up of the representatives of the governments of the Member States, to adopt the package and start the ratification process as soon as possible.

It was emphasized that the leadership of the European Parliament deeply regrets the delay caused by the veto of the governments of Hungary and Poland.

We will make no more concessions.

They added.

Manfred weber (at our climax), the leader of the Group of the European People’s Party said that at the group meeting on Wednesday, he reaffirmed his full and unanimous support for the rule of law mechanism and the Union’s long-term budget, as agreed. by the EP and the Council. In their Twitter message, Fidesz-KDNP MEPs, on the other hand, emphasized that they had reaffirmed their support for the Hungarian government’s position during the debate, but did not support the rule of law mechanism in its current form. (Fidesz’s membership was suspended in the spring of 2019 in the Popular Party, but its representatives remained members of the Popular Party faction.)

This is the wall Orbán went to

The union’s resolution of unmanageable political conflicts has failed and the Hungarian prime minister may lose the goodwill of many with his veto.

Featured Image: MTI / EPA / Olivier Hoslet
