The doctor, who was fired from SZTE, says he is forced to go abroad


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

In March, László Rovó, the rector of the University of Szeged, did not go into quarantine after skiing in Austria, but returned to work and operated on patients, and then it turned out that he was infected with a coronavirus. The MOK Csongrád County Ethics Committee initiated an ethics procedure, but the case was not discussed there because of prejudice, because the members are subordinates of Rovo. The matter was referred to the Győr Ethics Committee, which acquitted the rector.

On Monday, Rovo fired his subordinate, who is also the chairman of the Csongrád County Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, the associate professor of the SZTE psychiatric clinic, Szatmár Horváth.

The fired doctor told Telex that SZTE had announced the position of head of the Department of Psychiatry in February, for which he had also applied in addition to the head of the department that had been reigning for 6 years. The request ran for a time in parallel with the ethics investigation against the rector, and although Horváth asked by telephone and roundabout about the adjudication of his request, he received no response from anyone, and then “the reigning department head announced that it was the designated teacher “.

On Monday, Szatmár Horváth was expected by the head of the department and the head of the university’s legal department, and it was announced that he would be fired with immediate effect for not being fit for 22 points, for example, due to the bad reputation of the university. volt. Horváth told Telex: “The rector has established my inability to create as a civil servant, which bothers me particularly, if only because I am an expert psychiatrist. I didn’t even have a chance to clarify myself. “

SZTE told the newspaper: “The articles and statements falsely confuse the causes of the termination of the legal relationship with the role of the employee in public life. This is firmly and unequivocally rejected by the University ”.

The psychiatrist professor has worked at SZTE for 16 years, he is also a prominent guest lecturer at a foreign university and edits several international magazines, but now he says that he is forced to go abroad: “I have three children that I want to raise in a free society. and open “. (Telex)

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