The decree has been published: municipal emergency clinics will be under the control of hospitals during the emergency


The government decree on this has already been published in the Hungarian Gazette.

The measure will allow the health system to be under uniform control in the most acute defense situation, increasing the effectiveness of virus control.

It was highlighted that in the current third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, there are more hospital patients than ever and hospitals are under increased pressure. It is important that the specialized clinics maintained by the municipality and its staff also participate in the control of the epidemic as needed and carry out their patient care tasks in a coordinated manner and that the vaccination tasks are carried out properly during the mass phase. vaccination.

Therefore, the legislation establishes the exercise of the professional management competencies of the municipal hospitals that operate in their territory, the supervision of the operation of the specialized outpatient care provider and the preparation of proposals for the provider’s health workers and specialists. specialized outpatient care in urban areas. hospitals during the emergency. The law stipulates that health care institutions operate continuously during an emergency.

In addition, the government decree expands the competence of county government institutions (ie county hospitals, rural university clinical centers, metropolitan central hospitals) to manage all health activities in the area of ​​competence. The county administering institution must have a 24-hour duty of administration.

During the emergency, the heads of the municipal specialized clinics are obliged to carry out their management and management tasks with greater responsibility, in particular they are responsible for the continuous, complete, timely and real provision of data by the specialized clinic they direct.

To ensure an effective and coordinated defense, the heads of the specialized clinics are obliged to implement the instructions of the director of the national hospital regarding the organization of the defense, to keep in constant contact with the head of the governing body, the National Service of Ambulances and the defense committee of the county and the capital. The health care provider that operates the municipal specialized clinic is responsible for the legality, regularity and professionalism of the vaccination activities it carries out, it can be read in the statement from the Coronavirus Press Center.

Cover image source: MTI / Szigetváry Zsolt
