The decision is final: Trump escaped the impeachment process


The upper house on the last day of the proceedings. 57:43 voted that Donald Trump was guilty of the charges. In other words, in addition to all the Democratic senators, seven Republican deputies from the upper house voted in favor of convicting the former president. However, his conviction would have required a two-thirds majority in the Senate. The ratio of Republicans to Democrats on the board is 50:50. Therefore, at least 17 Republicans should have supported the president’s conviction.

Donald Trump is the first president of the United States against whom the House of Representatives voted twice to initiate a judicial process; In 2019, with the abuse of office and the obstruction of the work of Congress, he initiated a political trial against him, then the Senate also acquitted him.

Case background

On January 13, 2021, the United States House of Representatives initiated impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. The Democratic-majority lower house approved the motion with 232-197 votes, and 10 Republicans also voted to hold the then president in power accountable. The trial began in the wake of the riots on January 6, 2021: Donald Trump is accused of inciting rebellion when, after his speech, his supporters besieged the Capitol. Five were killed in an attack on the United States Legislative Center, including a Trump supporter who was shot to death by police and a police officer who was injured in a clash with protesters.

We have reported on the siege of the Capitol and its aftermath in several of our articles:

Featured image: David Schoen (b), Michael van der Veen (k) and Julieanne Bateman, defense attorneys for former United States President Donald Trump, will arrive at Trump’s constitutional impeachment hearing at the Legislature Building Washington on February 13, 2021. The Republican politician has been accused of inciting rebellion by Democrats for his inflammatory speech at a rally before the Capitol was attacked in early January, after which his supporters they broke into the legislature building. Five people were killed in the attack, including a police officer. Source: MTI / EPA / Michael Reynolds
