The Curia condemned Árpád W. Tóta for writing about stinking Hungarian immigrants


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Tóta W. Árpád, HVG publicistPhoto: ModernHungaryMovement / Youtube

Tóta W. Árpád on November 7, 2018 at the HVG Hungarians don’t steal, they just roam In his journalism titled “He wrote:

“Prince Árpád did not bring his heroes who sacked Europe to justice, but honored them. The robbery, arson and violence – the “adventure” – were not stopped by legal decisions, but by the Battle of Augsburg. It was there that stinking Hungarian immigrants repeatedly claimed they were devastating towns and monasteries in the absence or even neglect of crime. But the European gentlemen shit on their rules of the game and their illiberal worldview and put the sticks from their ass to their mouths. After that, the Hungarian bandits bravely ran home and announced that now a big beating was taking place for the adventure. “

An action was brought against the article using the institution of the so-called collective personality litigation, the two people were represented by the former János Tamás Gaudi-Nagy.

The Court of First Instance ruled that the defendant had infringed Articles I and II. Human dignity in the article by “statements by” smelly Hungarian immigrants “and” Hungarian bandits “who violate the dignity of Hungarians to pay one thousand HUF damages.

The appeals court, on the other hand, reversed the judgment of the appeals court and dismissed the plaintiffs’ action.

The Curia, on the other hand, confirmed the judgment of the Court of First Instance. They write:

“The Curia agreed with the lower court’s finding that the use of pejorative adjectives ‘smelly’ and ‘Hungarian bandits’ in current public discourse violates the dignity of the Hungarian nation community. He noted that in public debate, the expression of condemnation is a value protected by freedom of expression, but that the writing tool used to express it and the gender specificity of irony cannot provide an unrestricted exemption from responsibility for violating dignity. human of others or communities “.
