The curfew has come into effect


At eight o’clock in the evening the curfew entered into force in Hungary, which means that until five o’clock in the morning only those who

  • work, go to work or come home from work (the necessary certificate is available here),
  • dogs are walked – this is possible within 500 meters of the residence,
  • who play competitive sports and go to or return from a competition or training,
  • and those in a situation where there is a risk of damage to health, danger of death or serious harm.

On-site fines for violators of the regulations can range from 5 thousand to 150 thousand florins, in the case of recidivism up to 200 thousand florins, but in infringement proceedings they can reach up to 500 thousand florins.

Stores, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, which also open at night, were supposed to close at 7 p.m.

Details for further tightening can be found here:

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó /
