The court overturned the first suspension of the mayor of Göd


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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The court overturned the Göd council’s decision on July 31 to suspend the city’s instant mayor, Csaba Balogh, he said on Balogh’s Facebook page Friday afternoon.

The decision was voted on by representatives of DK, LMP, Jobbik and Fidesz, according to which Balogh’s suspension lasted two weeks, but was extended for 30 days on August 12.

Csaba Balogh told Mérce that he found his stay “procedurally and conceptually” flawed.

The perpetrators argued that the mayor had committed crimes while working, but the disciplinary investigation into the matter was not completed until the vote on the moratorium took place.

In addition, according to Balogh, he in no way tried to prevent the disciplinary investigation against him, so in that sense his suspension was not justified, he argued.

The court granted him the right, reversed his suspension with retroactive effect, which means that the activity of Deputy Mayor Zoltán Fülöp, who was acting mayor during this period, is a pseudo-representation.

Balog must now look back at the decisions made in the two weeks in question and accept or reject them in hindsight. It will accept decisions in good faith, but when bad faith is suspected, especially for more serious decisions like hiring or changing procurement rules, it will reject them, Balogh told the Standards.

He has also appealed to the court for the suspension of his second, now thirty days, and expects to receive a favorable verdict on the matter on Monday and Tuesday.

The last decision of the Göd House of Representatives was that, on the proposal of the Deputy Mayor László Lőrincz of the DK, the members of the Board of DK-LMP-Jobbikos voted Fózz József He was appointed by Zoltán.

Csaba Balogh and Momentum reacted to the decision on August 27 in a statement:

“It is a pity that under the leadership of the LMP Deputy Mayor, Jobbik and former DK MPs are joining Fidesz to bring back the fallen mayor of Fidesz. This is not only detrimental to the city, but also to the spitting in the face of the voters in Göd, who clearly wanted to get József Markó, who was next to the Samsung factory, out of the head of the city until October of the year. past “.

wrote the mayor.

You can read more about how the opposition coalition in Göd exploded after the government detachment from the Samsung factory area.

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