The coronavirus was imported into Hungary from various countries.


The research group at the University of Pécs examined how the coronavirus spread in the country at the end of the first month of the epidemic, immediately after the introduction of restrictive measures, where the viruses came from in Hungary and how actively they spread.

They write that

There have been multiple and parallel introductions, mainly of European origin. This means that, as a result of the pan-European closure wave, people returned to their homes in a relatively short period of time, with which the virus came from various sources. This does not mean that it did not happen before, but in the time period they examined, it took place throughout this scenario. However, viruses from other continents can also be detected, their origins go back to China or the USA. USA

Source: Facebook / Virology Pécs

At home, at the beginning of the restrictive measures, we can see local distribution chains that can already be described,

In mid-March, local infections appear in various parts of the country.

These can be inferred from the degree of similarity in the genetic sense. Based on this, it can be said that It was a lucky moment for the introduction of restrictive measures throughout the Central European region at that time. This, in all probability, has contributed to the fact that the many introductory events have not become a series of major dispersal chains or even epidemic foci.

Based on current international data, a similar scenario can be observed in Poland. The people movement in Central and Eastern Europe, which started at the beginning of the European closings, may have been the main driver. And Western Europe and the terrible scenario there have given other countries and our entire region time to introduce early action. And we could spend that time building diagnostic and health capacity, which will have to be leveraged in the current ongoing struggle.

At this stage of the epidemic, the most severe discipline of the population and the rapid response of health authorities to the rapid and effective isolation of patients are extremely important.

Do not let anyone fool you, the virus continues to circulate among us, it is very important to be aware of this.

Source: Facebook / Virology Pécs

All of these results contributed greatly to the spread of SARS-2, a pan-European scenario related to human movement. We were also able to place the first virus sequences in Hungary on a “map” of the global network, in the framework of extensive internal cooperation, in cooperation with our excellent scientific colleagues

– Write on your post.

The description of the scenario and phenomenon described in the course of greater control of the epidemic provides important information for decision-makers and the unions involved in control. Also, it will be an important consideration in other epidemics in the future, they said.
