The coronavirus on the balance sheet: Hungary is among the worst countries in the world


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The end of the year has come, so you can take stock of how a country defended itself from the coronavirus epidemic this year. Here it does not matter if a country performed excellently in the first wave but bleeds in the second, just as it does not matter if a country learned from the first wave and chose a better strategy for the second. The result of the whole year is considered.

Of course When comparing countries, it is the case that coronavirus-related deaths are calculated differently in some places.– There are places where only those who have been shown to die from the virus are considered victims of the coronavirus, while in other places all those who are positive for the coronavirus are tested for the virus when they lose their lives. However, most countries follow the protocol that whoever dies during the period when their coronavirus test is positive (during hospital care and not, for example, hit by a car) is a victim of the disease.

According to Worldometers So far, 82 million people have been officially infected with the coronavirus worldwide, while the death toll is approaching 1.8 million. According to the data, the disease has appeared in more than 200 countries / territories of the world, that is, it is present in almost every state in the world.

When no cases have been officially registered, this is certainly not because the disease did not appear, but rather because (1.) the country is not infected with a coronavirus or (2.) the disease is hidden. Like for example North Korea, which is not on the list because the leaders of the dictatorship keep the people in a constant lie. But there is also Turkmenistan, where the virus is not officially present, but hospitals are full and people have to wear a mask due to “flying dust.”

We can see that the interpretation of the data is complicated not only by the efficiency and precision of the epidemiological and health systems of each country, but also by the fact that many countries mislead with the data. About Russia, p. Ex. Just yesterday it turned out that there are not 56 thousand deaths from coronavirus, but 186 thousand.

Well, with all these problems, there is nothing we can do but look at the official list and weigh Hungary’s performance. As mentioned above, the virus is officially present in more than 200 countries / autonomous regions, so it is worth broaching the subject.

in hungary So far, 319,500 cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed. With this performance, we are the 40th most infected country in the world by 1 million people. Of course, the number of infected people is highly dependent on the number of tests performed by a country, so this comparison should be treated with caution, even for 1 million people.

By the way, Hungary has not tried too much in an international comparison, The 273601 test for every million people is ranked 69th in the world. Therefore, many cases of coronavirus may have been left unexplored, and experts say there may be as many as 2 million people who have contracted the infection in Hungary.

Regarding the number of deaths, There are 9,429 registered people in Hungary who have been victims of the coronavirus. That’s 977 people per 1 million people, making us the 17th worst performing country in the world on this list. In addition to the main centers of the world (eg Belgium, Italy, Spain), we have three dwarf states ahead, where a few dozen coronaviruses imply a high mortality rate per 1 million people, namely Andorra, Liechtenstein and San Marino. The situation in the United States (14th place) is not much worse than in Hungary, where the death toll per million people is 1,044.

Cover image: Getty Images
