The coronavirus is not slowing down: new numbers have arrived


The number of new coronavirus infections remains high worldwide, with the number of recorded Covid infections rising by 736,000 last day.

Globally, the number of people infected with the coronavirus rose to 83,445,600, the number of deaths to 1,818,387 and the number of people cured to 47,034,325 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Central European time, according to data from Friday morning. . The data were reported by MTI.

This represents an increase of around 736,000 people in one day, while the number of new patients increased by 711,000 two days earlier.

On Thursday morning 82,709,354 people were registered, the number of fatalities was 1,805,002 and the number of recovered was 46,731,540.
The infection is present in 191 countries and regions.

Experts say that the number of diagnosed cases does not accurately reflect reality because the number of tests is more or less limited in each country and the registration criteria also vary.

Of the so-called Covid-19 patients caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, 19,968,087 have been registered in the United States to date and 345,737 have died.

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus a pandemic that spread from the Chinese city of Wuhan.

In India, 10,266,674 people were infected, 148,738 deaths and 9,860,280 recovered.

In Brazil, there are 7,675,973 infected, 194,949 dead and 6,848,844 recovered.

In Russia, the number of confirmed infections increased to 3,127,347, the number of deaths increased to 56,271, and the number of recovered to 2,527,722.

In France, 2,677,666 people were infected, 64,759 deaths and 200,142 recovered.

In the UK, 2,496,231 people were infected and 73,622 people died from the disease.

In Turkey, 2,208,652 people have so far been registered, with 20,881 deaths and 2,100,650 recovered.

In Italy, 2,107,166 people are registered, the death toll has risen to 74,159 and 1,463,111 have recovered from Covid-19.

In Spain 1,928,265 infected people and 50,837 fatalities were registered.

In Germany, 1,760,520 people were infected, 33,791 died and 1,350,708 were cured.

There are 1,642,775 infections and 43,213 deaths in Colombia.

In Argentina, there are 1,625,514 people infected and 43,245 dead.

In Mexico, there are 1,426,094 confirmed viral patients and 125,807 deaths.

In Poland, 1,294,878 people were registered, 28,554 died and 1,036,138 recovered from the disease.

There are 1,225,142 people infected, 55,223 deaths, and 988,833 people recovered in Iran.

In Ukraine, there are 1,086,997 people infected, 19,281 deaths and 736,611 people recovered.

In the Republic of South Africa, 1,057,161 people were registered, 28,469 died and 879,671 recovered.

In China (excluding Hong Kong and Macao), 95,963 cases of infection were recorded, as well as 4,782 deaths and 89,923 cures, according to the MTI.
