The coronavirus attacks the entire body and can have quite terrifying fatal complications.


The coronavirus causes inflammation in the body to such an extent that thrombosis develops that endanger the patient’s life. The disease begins as a viral infection, it becomes a disease of the entire vascular and immune system, and this is what leads to death.

In a report by CNN researchers and professionals, summarizing experiences in California, Florida, Massachusetts, and New York, the new type of coronavirus not only damages the lungs, heart, brain, or central nervous system, it’s more than once. vital. causing joint organ failure.

Scott Brakenridge, a professor of surgery at a Florida university hospital, reported that doctors generally focused for a long time on treating virus-induced pneumonia and inflammation of the airways, but in recent weeks they had to realize that they too they could suffer from Covid-19. they don’t have a fever, they don’t cough, they don’t have difficulty breathing. “The image is very confusing, it may take some time until we can see clearly,” he said. He also said that the virus can cause blood clots to form in the body, resulting in the loss of 20 to 50 percent of patients. Patients then die of stroke or heart attack after amputation of a limb.

Sean Wengerter, who also works as a surgeon in New York State, also drew attention to the fact that the coronavirus causes inflammation in the body to such an extent that thrombosis develops that endanger the patient’s life. CNN also spoke to one of the pathologists at the Cedars-Sinai Hospital Center in Los Angeles, Oren Friedman, who said that blood clots also cause death in very young pediatric patients.

This week, The Washington Post also published an extensive report that the new type of coronavirus, contrary to what was previously known, could attack the entire body. To paper David reich, the medical director of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, said his experience to date is that the pathogen attacks the heart and muscles, damages the nervous system, eliminates the ability to smell and taste, and can destroy kidneys to such an extent that some Dialysis equipment is no longer sufficient in hospitals. He also confirmed that the virus causes blood clots, and therefore sudden cardiac death or stroke.

According to the doctors interviewed, the disease often occurs without any symptoms, and after a few days of symptoms, the function of the lungs or heart collapses almost immediately. In addition, the disease also affects young children.

In the past few days, 73 young children in New York have become seriously ill, and last week, three young children, including a five-year-old boy, died of complications from Covid-19. All of them were diagnosed with Kawasaki disease associated with dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels as a Covid-19 complication.

We all thought that Covid-19 could only bring down older people, not young people, especially children.

David Reich told The Washington Post.

Geoffrey Barnes, a professor of cardiovascular disease at the University of Michigan, told the newspaper that “this virus literally did not exist in the human body six months ago.” Then he added that “we had to learn very quickly what effect it has on the human body and we had to find treatments in weeks.”

He was approached by The Washington Post staff Mandeep Mehrát, a professor at Harvard University School of Medicine whose research team had previously published an analysis in the scientific journal The Lancet, who explained that he and his colleagues assume that “the disease begins as a viral infection, becoming a disease of the entire vascular and immune system leading to death. “

Featured Image: János Marjai /
