The burden of ambulances is that they cannot sample coronavirus suspects in 24 hours.


The number of PCR tests supported by the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK) and free, that is, the number of throat and nose samples and the proportion of serological blood samples, that is, from the fingertip , has also risen in recent weeks, writes the World Economy.

The article of the work recalls that the price of a serological test is around 11 thousand guilders, while that of PCR tests exceeds 30 thousand.

It is known that in the last week, the burden on the sampling teams has been such that, in general, they could not take the sample from the person suspected of having a coronavirus within 24 hours of notifying the GP . There was a unit that came to work in the capital 100 kilometers from Budapest.

They went out to 25 addresses in one day

Paramedics told the world economy.

As a reminder, Beatrix Oroszi, a leading epidemiologist at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, spoke at a conference recently about the need for a new strategy to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary. He thinks that the number of free trials should increase because there is a much greater opportunity in this than we think.

In the recent period, the number of patients who came for coronavirus tests has quadrupled. Balázs SárosiIn this regard, the head of the Wáberer Medical Center (WMC) outpatient division spoke, while they had 54 test patients in the first week of August, a figure that rose to 247 with screening five days a week in the last week. The WMC has introduced a daily limit of 80 people for patient safety reasons.

Featured image: János Marjai /
