The beginning and the end of the book is always the most important – Babos


Celebrating their fourth-couple Grand Slam trophy, Tímea Babos said that the final was their worst match in the tournament, but that they were very happy to be able to defend their title with Kristina Mladenovic.


Babos (left) admitted that they did not play well (Photo: MTI / EPA)

Realistically, but of course I was very happy and proud to evaluate her fourth career Grand Slam doubles trophy, Tímea Babos, who won two sets alongside Kristina Mladenovic in the Roland Garros final.

“From our point of view, it was the worst match of the competition Babos, who was waiting for some of Rafael Nadal-Novak Djokovic’s men’s finals in the center field stands, declared to Sports National. “I was more tense during the meeting because it seemed incomprehensible to me how we can play so weakly, why not do better. Many times we had a good point or two, but we couldn’t put together several races in a row. “

The MTK tennis player said that this victory was especially important to them after they were unfairly excluded from the US Open, so they didn’t even get a chance to play.

“It is very difficult to live in a bubble for so long, my last twenty-three days have been exactly the same Babos betrayed. – Every Grand Slam victory is special for something, the first one is the sweetest, we played perfectly at this year’s Australian Open, and that is Roland Garros because we prepare in special and strange circumstances and we won the final with a bad game . But the beginning and the end of the book are always the most important: we started the year with a perfect Australian Open with Kiki and ended with a title defense at Roland Garros, so we are very happy and proud.

ROLAND GARROS, PARIS (EUR 35 025 914, slag)
Babos, Mladenovic (Hungarian, French, 2nd) – Guarachi, Krawczyk (Chilean, US, 14th) 6: 4, 7: 5

