the Austrian Chancellor addressed the people with a dramatic appeal


The Austrian chancellor warned people living in Austria with dramatic words about the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

In a call published on Sunday, Sebastian Kurz wrote

the second wave of the epidemic has started in Austria,

The number of new infections is increasing day by day, it was already 850 on Saturday and will soon reach a thousand a day.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian KurzSource: MTI / EPA / Florian Wieser

According to the chancellor, “the situation in Vienna is particularly dramatic” because every second of new diseases is detected here.Therefore, Kurz asked the public to:observe all measurements, keep social contact to a minimum, wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose, and keep the necessary distance from each other everywhere.The chancellor, however, wrote that he was confident that next summer everything could return to normal, “but until then, autumn and winter will be hard for everyone.”

He asked everyone to be as disciplined as he was in the spring,

to “overcome together” the difficulties foreseen in the coming months. On Saturday, the seven-day moving average of the number of new illnesses per 100,000 inhabitants in Austria was just over 35, which is high among European countries.
