The Argentine president, who was vaccinated with Sputnik a few months ago, is crowned


Alberto Fernandez, President of ArgentinaPhoto: NATACHA PISARENKO / AFP

A positive covid test was produced by Argentine President Alberto Fernández, he personally announced on Saturday. The international news agency Reuters quoted the politician as saying. Fernández has a mild fever, he says he feels fine, there is no problem with his well-being, but he is now in quarantine.

The 62-year-old president was vaccinated earlier this year with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. He said he didn’t want such a birthday, but it should be the biggest problem. It will continue to perform its quarantine office functions.

In response to the case, the Russian Gamaleja Institute, which developed Sputnik, said the vaccine was effective in protecting against infection with 91.6 percent and severe coronavirus disease with 100 percent. That is, these cases are rare, but they can occur.

“Once the infection has been confirmed, the vaccine will provide a quick recovery from the disease without serious symptoms. We wish you a cure!” said the Russian institute.

In Argentina, the epidemic has so far claimed 56,000 lives. The vaccination program has already reached 682,000 citizens and the elderly population and medical personnel are currently being vaccinated. (Reuters)
