The agitators have arrived at Csengele and are still arriving.


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There is a shortage of kosher meat in Europe because ritual slaughter professionals, called shackles, are unable to reach slaughterhouses due to travel restrictions. Transportation problems also arose, all of which increased the value of the kosher slaughterhouse in Csengele, Csongrád county, which was operated by the Hungarian Jewish Church called EMIH and established with government help.

Now the government has helped the business by allowing six agitators to enter to keep production in line with growing European demands. Six more agitators are also expected to arrive. All were tested prior to arrival and did not prove to be coronaviruses.

At the Csengele slaughterhouse, nearly 1 million poultry are expected to be slaughtered kosher by the end of 2020, representing almost 40 percent of the total European kosher market. (MTI)

Oberlander Baruch, leader of the Budapest Orthodox Rabbinate and the Chabad Lubavics movement, (b3), David Lau, Chief Rabbi of Ashkenazi (b4), Sándor Fazekas, Minister of Agriculture (j3), Slomó Köves, leader of the United Hungarian Jewish Community (EMIH) j2) and Jószéf Amrani, Israeli Ambassador to Budapest (j) will cut the national ribbon at the inauguration of the Quality Poultry Poultry Processing and Trading Ltd. (QP Ltd.) kosher slaughterhouse and poultry processor July 2017 in Csengele, Csongrád County.Photo: Sándor Ujvári / MTI / MTVA

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